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41.4k MrVaultech  4.6 years ago

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General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 45.7ft (13.9m)
  • Length 34.3ft (10.4m)
  • Height 12.5ft (3.8m)
  • Empty Weight 6,014lbs (2,728kg)
  • Loaded Weight 8,440lbs (3,828kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 8.885
  • Wing Loading 11.8lbs/ft2 (57.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 714.8ft2 (66.4m2)
  • Drag Points 592


  • Number of Parts 78
  • Control Surfaces 4
  • Performance Cost 683
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    4,167 Formula350

    This is old, but so cool lol
    Love how the silly stuff in SP ends up being so well behaved while flying.... -_-
    @MrVaultech One thing I noticed though, is you really stumbled across something rather interesting -- at least in this current version of SP as I'm not sure if it behaves the same as it did at the time of release. In that you can actually create a "Zero Power" challenge using this kind of design...
    How? Because this thing, as long as you enter the water at a high enough speed, turns into a... very strange fish, of sorts.
    Seems as though if you enter at >250-300MPH speed, that then the water physics --even with a 0% throttle, hence the "zero power", which I later tested with engines set to have 0HP-- somehow cause the rotational energy that the air imparted on the propellers ("turbines wheels") gets amplified, rocketing you to 650MPH!
    NOT ONLY THAT... but your flying wing design allows for actual underwater control, albeit rather labored, yet sufficient enough to let you sustain level "flight" underwater OR to breach and MAINTAIN your speed!
    In other words, you're a literal Flying Fish and if you've ever seen a video of how they swim and fly, it's just like that (except your plane can use that to achieve roughly 6000ft of altitude after breaching the surface). It has such a wonderful glide profile that it can travel significant distance using only that water-imparted speed...
    Furthermore, just to make a long-ass-comment even longer... If you scale the Chord size up on all of them, it significantly increases the speed boost the water gives you.
    EXAMPLE: With your design as downloaded, under full power and submerging the plane, you're boosted to 850-900MPH. However, with the blade width (chord) set to 3.0x, under the same conditions you are boosted to >1400MPH, WHILE UNDER WATER... Even though the max air speed it can achieve is only 758MPH at sea level!
    Using this, I managed to 0% throttle glide/dive-fly from Krakatoaa, make a loop around the volcano (flying through the canyon pass with heavy banking), make it back to Wright with a couple 'speed boosts', bank around its mountain, travel under water @ 1400mph for awhile, breach the surface and glide to Myamar, before finally losing too much speed and crashing in the small 4ft deep pond near the ocean lol (didn't expect to be that shallow...)
    TL:DR - Man this thing is fun when improperly using it to swim like a dolphin!!

    3.0 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    Thats the benefit of it all, yeah.

    4.6 years ago
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    25.4k Mustang51

    @MrVaultech now what’s great is that you just download a file of that plane and you can get it done at almost any 3D printing shop I think. I might actually try that with one that’s near where I study. I’ll let you know how it goes

    4.6 years ago
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    25.4k Mustang51

    @MrVaultech damn that’s pricey. You can get a very nice diecast model from Herpa or Hobby Master for that price!

    4.6 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    I wanna say it was something like $60 for a small 3D printed one? Hah, yeah, ridiculous stuff to say the least.

    4.6 years ago
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    25.4k Mustang51

    @MrVaultech I completely forgot how much it cost back then but I bet it was more than it needed to be hahaha

    4.6 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    Ah, right, I've been around since well before that was added.
    I did think about trying it, but at the time ot was around I really didn't have anywhere near enough to afford anything substantial, nor did I have anything built that I felt woulda been quality enough to warrant such an expensive endeavor.

    4.6 years ago
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    25.4k Mustang51

    @MrVaultech I don’t know how long you’ve been playing for but there used to be a service which they removed due to quality control where you ask them to print a plane and then they do it. It worked great for the simple designs but as soon as something had any details, it didn’t work so well.

    4.6 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    Hah, I get what you mean. I wanna say quality depends on who you go to for it, really, though who I can't really say.

    4.6 years ago
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    25.4k Mustang51

    @MrVaultech yeah I’m thinking about getting one made but I’ve heard mixed reviews about the quality and I keep changing which build I would want to have made. It’s a hard choice to make hahaha

    4.6 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    It would be convenient to have almost anything 3D printed whenever needed.
    And no, I haven't had anything of mine printed. Though, it would be pretty cool if any were.

    4.6 years ago
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    25.4k Mustang51

    @MrVaultech yeah this would have to be done by a computer controlling a machine. I can’t wait till 3D printing advances enough where all the parts for an rc plane can easily be printed and then just fit together. You’d still have to do the wiring but it would save many steps. Have you ever had one of your builds 3D printed?

    4.6 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    That would be pretty neat for sure, being able to fly any or all of them at any time.
    Though, overall it might end up being tedious getting their shapes and designs right if done via hand.

    4.6 years ago
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    25.4k Mustang51

    @MrVaultech it would be nice if we could have our builds more than just 3D printed but made as small RC planes. I would love to know how some of these would fly in real life

    4.6 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    Yeah, aviation does have quite a lot of strange prototypes popping up to test aeronautic designs that someone found strange or might of improved a part of aviation.
    Overall, this design really only would work in SP, and suprisingly makes a half-decent racer aircraft no matter the configuration, as I've found over some years of experimenting.

    4.6 years ago
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    25.4k Mustang51

    @MrVaultech oh yeah there would be no improvement whatsoever which is why it hasn’t been done so far. A lot of things theoretically work but clearly won’t work as well as something else so understandably no one attempts to produce them (sadly). You see this in many fields of engineering but especially with aviation and firearms I think.

    4.6 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    Can agree, would make an interesting experiment for sure. I wouldn't think it would have any improvememts over turbojets, or older motorjets

    4.6 years ago
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    25.4k Mustang51

    @MrVaultech I figured. You made it well. It would be interesting to see how much thrust would be generated by such a device in real life. It would be a lot less for sure but I’m curious as to how much power the small turbines can produce in just their blade form.

    4.6 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    Hah, that's coincidentally the goal of this thing

    4.6 years ago
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    25.4k Mustang51

    Pretty interesting build. It looks like the turbines of a jet engine but without the rest of the engine hahaha

    4.6 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    I completely forgot the Tourney was today, so yeah.
    Either way, good round or try and all that.

    4.6 years ago
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    26.2k Strucker

    You beat me.

    +1 4.6 years ago