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CX-1 Multirole Stealth Aircraft "Air Destroyer"

7,786 SimplyNonsensical  6.0 years ago


A stealth bomber designed to take out ground targets. Works best with the advanced targeting mod. It may look normal, but oh no. If you've dealt with this air to ground craft, you know it's intimidating. Also, just a quick warning, if you're in android, make sure your performance mode is on, or you'll LAG. Or just bust out that computer.

My description

This aircraft is one of my first ones that have been XML modded. You'll find things like downscaled engines, edited weapons, downscaled weapons and more. Feel free to take them and use them for your own. Just don't use my design by making it into a subassembly.

The last version of this aircraft was a bomber, which used dumb bombs, but i altered it to use active missiles. This aircraft is the younger brother of the bulletjet, which used ancient firepower technology. I'll revive it. Probably. This is the largest, most complex build for me and my poor phone, and it started to lag, so i couldn't do much more on the design aspect. Thanks to @Windworn for helping me with the xml.

Inlet design borrowed from DDG1000

Action Buttons

[1] Parachute
Out of options? Low on ammunition?
No more hope? Well, this is your last
Option to land. This will deploy the
Parachutes, and ditch the engines, so
You don't get disoriented. Plus, it works as an effective dumb bomb that fires straight down!

[2] Speed Boost
Self explanatory. Goes up to 1300 mph,
but you may want to pull down the trim
so your vertical stabilizer won't explode
into a fire.

[2] Bullet Hell Gun
If you're a fan of bullet hell games, i'd
like to see you dodge all these bullets.
It's an extreme spread, and a lot of
firepower. Too much in fact.

[3] Backup YM1 missiles
They suck but hey, at least you wont
blow up right?

Slider Instructions

[VTOL slider]
Upper airbrake
Trim, Lower airbrake - downward pitch
(useful at high speed)

Weapons, and Technology

Air to Air

4x "YM2" Guardians
Longer Range, Quick lock, unlike it's ugly sister, the original guardian. Lower Firing delay.

2x "YM1" Interceptors.
Long, Quick Lock Interceptor Missiles. Face your aircraft's underside toward the target so you don't blow yourself up. It's one excited boi.

2x "YM1" "Dumb" Interceptor
A backup interceptor. Not as agile, not as fast, but at least it locks fast.

Air to Ground

66x CX1 "Cleaver Belt"
Literally. It has a cleaver belt.

4x "YM3" Inferno
Short Range, Fast Lock missiles. These things are really good, although their range is hindered by their fuel.

3x Torpedos
2 Options. Die, or die SLOWLY. This is the equivalent of die slowly. Useful if you used all missiles, and needed a backup, aside from the "dumb interceptor", or your just a sadistic idiot thay wants to torture and humiliate the ground targets.

Close Range

1x Bullet Hell Generator Gun
Playing bullet hell games is NOT enough for you to dodge all bullets that fire from it. I DARE you. I mean it's not effective if your far away, but the crap ton of bullets will destroy several parts. Nice isn't it?


1x Air Generated Countermeasures
These Countermeasures are generated by air. You can still wear them out though.

66xCleavers in a Cleaver Belt
It's a belt full of microcleavers, and since they're so small, once the pilot says go, they'll book it. Although, they aren't that precise and sometimes fail if you're not pointed at targets directly, but those chances at an open sea are 1 in 15 rather than 4 in 5 at a terrain rich area going 642 mph.

The "Ultra Radar"
This is the thing that makes those missiles tick. It gives the information to the missiles, and they'll track it based on it's directions. This is also why they lock fast. It's the short white bar behind the cockpit. If it gets shot, it'll it'll still run, since there's a backup radar hidden in the fuselage. The radar can only track ground targets. You have to manually lock onto an aircraft. It really isn't what it is for, but it is just for roleplay fun.

Flight Instructions

•Push throttle to 100%
•Push up the trim all the way up
•Stay planted until you reach 280mph
•Once reached, pull trim by one. You'll take off naturally, but try to control it or else -

That's how i describe spazzing out seizure aircrafts.

General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 32.6ft (9.9m)
  • Length 32.0ft (9.8m)
  • Height 8.3ft (2.5m)
  • Empty Weight 19,777lbs (8,971kg)
  • Loaded Weight 29,414lbs (13,342kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 18.794
  • Wing Loading 62.8lbs/ft2 (306.4kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 468.7ft2 (43.5m2)
  • Drag Points 3794


  • Number of Parts 182
  • Control Surfaces 10
  • Performance Cost 2,706
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    @Windworn which one this or the jet? I'll send you a sneak peek link to my aircraft.

    PS i actually got it to work now.

    6.0 years ago
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    1,080 Windworn

    @Watlel Okay then, looking forward to your next design :D

    6.0 years ago
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    @Windworn i have already acknowledged the takeoff problem. I don't think it really matters that much since it's weapons are the benefit. Unless, you think i should redesign it and post it tomorrow since i've posted too much today, and i'll be posting another aircraft tomorrow. The cleaver belt is a BELT. It's supposed to wrap around the fuselage of the aircraft itself, but i didn't do it. The plane also is meant to go fast, not slow because you don't wanna be blown outta the sky right? And plus, i've gotten really used to landing really fast, so i neglected that slow speed. Really, you don't need to compliment my design since it's only a sharpie with paper plane wings. The creation i'll post tomorrow will be detailed, and i'm crying right now since it won't stop -ing.

    +1 6.0 years ago
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    1,080 Windworn

    @Watlel dude i just tried this and heres my opinion :


    • Extremely large payload
    • Really fast for a bomber
    • Really versatile in combat
    • Cool & fun Gun
    • Those cleaver belts are no joke, it can destroy Skypark carrier fleet by single-handed
    • Death from above


    • Really unstable at takeoff
    • Plane loses its agility very bad at low speed
    • The cleaver belt design is somewhat not "compact"
    • idk but The takeoff part really bugs me

    well this is my review, overall its a great plane the design is really unique 8/10 i would say (Really fun dropping those cleaver lel xd). i tried to fix the problem by changing all available wing (except horizontal stabilizer) into Flat bottom and it should be fine when you takeoff.

    p.s can you make compact version of those cleaver belt and make it into sub assembly preetty please :)))))))))))))))))))))).

    Forgot to add : your detailing is really good, i dont know how to make something so detail :(

    6.0 years ago
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    1,080 Windworn

    Thats a one t h i c c bomber, cant wait to try it out ! (Really curious with that cleaver belt)

    6.0 years ago