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[AI interceptor] Mig-17 (air) - Swarm AI Fighter!

25.3k Kendog84  11 months ago
Auto Credit Based on rexzion's AI PQ-14

There are two types, land spawn and air spawn. Make sure to download both versions! :)

[Link to land spawn version]

Also, be sure to read the description! There are some important & useful info there.

*This is an air-spawn version. It has no landing gears. If it finds a target within range, it can intercept it immediately. Use a mid-air location to spawn these. (Do not use "Final Approach" locations)

They patrol

They intercept

They attack

This is a fighter/interceptor made for Aggressive AI that acts as a "team" (sorta) when spawned in numbers!

Idea inspired by & based on ZSU-23-4 by MysteryTimeTraveler. This plane is made specifically for the Aggressive AI & should be spawned in multiple numbers (more than one). It can be flown by the player. Low part & low-performance cost.
Use them as enemy interceptors, for dogfight practice, or as a part of an elaborate air-defense system against all other AI aircrafts.

Link: ZSU-23-4 by MysterTimeTraveler

What they do

When spawned (as Aggressive AI), they...

-Attack aircrafts with target marker/lock on box.

-(If there's no target within range) Patrol the the area they spawned in.

-Cannot be targeted by other AI.

-Cannot be locked onto.

-Will not attack each other (at least not intentionally).

How it works

-Target Marker Removal

This plane uses/exploits the game's "Critically Damaged" mechanic. It gets triggered when a plane loses about 1/3 of the total parts count, and removes the target marker/lockon box from the plane. Plane will still function fine as long as it has everything needed to operate. Since it no longer has the target marker, the plane is basically invisible to other AI, which effectively makes them act like they are in the same "team." (They will still accidentally shoot each other down or collide mid-air)
This is something entirely based on the mechanism used by the ZSU-23-4 by MysteryTimeTraveler, so I wanna thank them & everyone else that helped the creation of it.
Also, a big thanks to OrderlyHippo for confirming that plane works fine under critically damaged state.

-Autopilot FT / "auto return" (auto-RTB) & patrol feature

This is a feature I added after experimenting with my earlier prototypes, which had no autopilot. I noticed that Aggressive AI had an annoying tendency to sometimes abandon combat and fly straight into random directions (with or without an active opponent) and never come back to where it originally spawned. Since they were supposed to loam around and "defend" an area, that was bad. So I used a simple memory device made with rotators to store their spawn coordinates, which the autopilot FT* uses as the destination to circle around.

*This is another idea inspired by other people; this one was by Aweyer26's memory rotator (link) (Though I did not use smooth function)

**FT which I stole- I mean borrowed from rexzion's autopilot plane, which in turn was based on FT by klm747klm747.

"Attack warning radar" (missile)

Separate from the missile that creates a contrail*, plane has a missile that never leaves the aircraft. Its purpose is to let other AI aircrafts know when they are being attacked by the interceptor, so they can take evasive maneuvers. Without it, they won't know when they are being attacked. It has the downside of creating a lot of annoying "missile firing" sound whenever it tries to fire this missile, but that was a necessary bad for this plane to work.
(Contrail is there to make it easier for you to find the plane--on my phone, it was almost impossible to find them without it. Missile motor sound in the game doesn't seem to loop perfectly, so it unfortunately creates an annoying "hiss" like sound.)

How to change Interception Radius

This plane will intercept enemy when they are within the interception radius. To change this interception radius, you need to
1)Open Variable Setter ("(x)" icon at the bottom screen)
2)Scroll down and find IntceptRange at the bottom
3)Change the number next to it (in meters, "55000" (55km) by default)
4)Click "Save" and exit the menu.
*Be careful not to touch anything else there, other texts (variables) are part of the autopilot FT (not made by me). If they get messed up, plane won't be able to return or fly in circles when in patrol mode.


I've only applied the basic concept/mechanism used on the ZSU to air-based vehicle, and added some aircraft specific stuff, such as the autopilot FT by klm747klm747 & rexzion.
I really hope that Jundroo adds an option to assign teams to AI and the player, so we don't need to do something elaborate to have a bunch of enemy planes, AAA, etc.. (And also have allied planes)


Autopilot FT from AI PQ-14 (rexzion, klm747klm747)
Critically damaged trick from ZSU-23-4 by MysteryTimeTraveler
OrdinaryHippo for confirming that plane can work after critical damage
FT help by Shibusu
MiG-17 & interceptor idea by Kendog84

Feel free to create a different planes with this build as the base, but please make sure to credit MysteryTimeTraveler for the idea/inspiration, and rexzion & klm747klm747 for the autopilot FT. (And myself also!)

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor AI PQ-14
  • Successors 1 airplane(s)
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 30.0ft (9.2m)
  • Length 36.6ft (11.1m)
  • Height 11.4ft (3.5m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 9,858lbs (4,471kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 1.025
  • Wing Loading 32.5lbs/ft2 (158.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 303.4ft2 (28.2m2)
  • Drag Points 0


  • Number of Parts 77
  • Control Surfaces 7
  • Performance Cost 258
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    25.3k Kendog84

    I had to disable drag calc to allow you to spawn a bunch of these (I could spawn up to 40 on my phone with low physics/graphics settings), and so I used FT controlled airbrakes & such to simulate aerodynamics pf the plane.
    And I'm still experimenting with maneuverability and such of these planes.

    Feedbacks are welcome! (please be polite!)

    Pinned 11 months ago
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    I like to dogfight these in a F-86, these things are so fun

    +1 2 months ago
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    Why did I have so much fun with these

    +2 3 months ago
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    2,207 GiG4

    Bro's smarter than newton frfr

    +1 9 months ago
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    @Kendog84 thx

    +1 11 months ago
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    25.3k Kendog84

    Thanks:) Yeah, more the merrier!

    11 months ago
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    25.3k Kendog84

    Haha, thanks. I still barely know anything about FT or coding in general. Most of the stuff on this plane were borrowed from other people's creations. (Credit in the desc!) But even when you can't write codes yourself, you can still make new things if you can combine them in a new different way, so there's that:)

    +1 11 months ago
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    25.3k Kendog84

    Try spawning it again with Aggressive AI (one that attacks you or other AI), not the Default one.
    They have 'range' and 'field-of-vision' also, though, so these could also be the reason why it didn't work for you.
    Range is a distance which these fighters intercept other planes. If they see a plane flying very far first, they probably won't attack other planes that are closer to them until that first plane is destroyed (This is how the game is coded, so I can't change that). You can change this distance. (Read the description for a guide, there's a part about "Interception Range")
    Also, AI can only see like, 180 degrees to the front--unless someone attacks them first. I can't change this either, but they fly in a circle when they have no target, so if there's a plane flying somewhere, they will probably see it eventually.

    11 months ago
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    The this plane doesn't do anything at all it just flies ignores a plane and flies
    can u pls do something

    +1 11 months ago
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    25.3k Kendog84

    It's in the variable setter, which you can open via "(x)" icon at the bottom of the screen.
    You'll see a lot of texts (variables) there, but ignore them and scroll down to the bottom. You should find one that says "IntcptRange" with "55000" to the right. That's the interception radius (in meters, so 55km). Just change the number and save.
    (Just be careful not to delete or edit other variables there)

    11 months ago
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    Where is the 'IntcptRange' to change interception radius? In the missle?

    +1 11 months ago
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    @Kendog84 a guy who originally had no clue as to how funky trees worked to now making said funky tree builds now (how impressive was that? Even i can't make anything decent apart from liveries.)

    +1 11 months ago
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    5,265 DEADSHOT16

    This is a huge step in improving AI. Finally i have have more than 1 enemy fighter engaging me instead of them simply killing each other.

    +2 11 months ago
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    @Kendog84 sure thing!

    +1 11 months ago
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    25.3k Kendog84

    I know. We just gotta ask/hope Jundroo implements an actual team assigning feature at some point. Imagine all the things you can do with it.

    11 months ago
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    25.3k Kendog84

    Of course!
    If/when you upload it, let me know, I would love to see it:)
    (Also...You don't have to, but if you could put a link to this somewhere, that would be awesome.)

    11 months ago
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    9,334 Tookan

    ngl, kinda sad about the fact I can't make two of these fight each other... cool build regardless

    +1 11 months ago
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    Could I use this in one of my videos?

    +1 11 months ago
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    25.3k Kendog84

    Thank you, glad you're having fun with it!
    Target marker thing was a necessary compromise I had to make to make them not shoot each other, but it did inspire me to be creative with it (like the aggro/neutral-mode light thing & contrail to make them easier to find)

    +1 11 months ago
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    25.3k Kendog84

    Thanks!:) Hope it inspires people to come up with other cool uses for these

    11 months ago
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    Best ai fighter I've had in my hangar. It's really fun to have them around too, since there's no target box, they attack quite unexpectedly and I have to search for them.

    +1 11 months ago
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    You're very creative with these games

    +1 11 months ago