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FW300 10.3

230k RamboJutter  1.6 years ago


Dave Clark a.k.a Small Brown Dog creates a lot of very interesting very unusual aircraft designs which are dipped in reality with a sprinkling of fictional "anti-grav" devices to add some plausibility such as the V S Type 300 ( In the past I ran foul of him (temporarily) as he is not keen on people using his work for the basis of Simple Planes builds, however his designs do always pique my interest still and I decided to do my own "what if" design along the same lines as his aircraft but from a different angle.

So imagine a Vickers Supermarine Type 300 has been shot down over Germany, the german war machine has now obtained a working example of the anti-grav equipment, this is passed onto Focke-Wulf who put it to use in their FW300 design with the reverse engineered equipment. The FW300 started life as a FW190-D9 fuselage before all the alterations and additions.

This was a really enjoyable build, its fun to fly (it does have a need for some gentle rudder control on the takeoff run as it likes to wander) and has taken some time for construction. The fuselage is 90% acurate to the FW190-D9 3 view drawings i had (i drew the line at slanting the sides of the fuselage), the cockpit itself has the slanted side panels flairing into the rounded top. A fully functioning cockpit is provided, a taped wing, hollow undercarriage bays, sequenced undercarriage, desert war camo etc.


Ag1 = start the engines. This also enables the anti-grav which kicks in once airspeed exceeds 120mph (for cooling purposes)
Ag7 = open/close cockpit
VTOL dn = flaps
LG = landing Gear



General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 25.8ft (7.9m)
  • Length 36.0ft (11.0m)
  • Height 11.1ft (3.4m)
  • Empty Weight 10,366lbs (4,702kg)
  • Loaded Weight 12,880lbs (5,842kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.68
  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.155
  • Wing Loading 34.9lbs/ft2 (170.2kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 369.6ft2 (34.3m2)
  • Drag Points 1472


  • Number of Parts 1190
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 3,853
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    242 kakaha

    @florky in fact the symbol your seeing is not the original swastika. The original religious symbol was facing the other direction.

    7 months ago
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    1,724 florky

    @kakaha yea bro, the swastika really means peace, not N*zism.

    10 months ago
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    242 kakaha

    @teddyone02 yes I understand that realism is good in games. He is saying that the swastika should still be used as a good symbol because it used to have a good meaning. meanings change over time. I do support your opinion in that way.

    10 months ago
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    1,724 florky

    you know guys, this is just a game.
    you can even learn things, explore and create.
    let the Builders in SP to get away with Swastikas and Communist logos.
    SP Builders don't intend to spread propaganda or either like these Facist, Communist and Capitalist shit.
    they want to include the best detail possible on a build. they want it to look better and detailed.
    stop talking about the meaning, think about the immense detail and brainpower they used to build a masterpiece
    leave them the fuck alone, please guys.
    this is why us low-pointed guys are getting trouble.
    we judge too much, we look at the details and think about the negative shit that single detail means, we talk about that SINGLE ASS part that's missing
    Swastikas at the first place didn't mean bad. its a symbol of peace. not Nazism.
    you guys are just unbearable. i need to take a break but this game is too good and I can't stop playing it.
    i hate you guys. this generation is so sensitive with this kind of topic. LGBTQIA+ topic, more rtarded comments. Swastikas on a German build, Nazism.
    so sensitive that you can't win an argument with them.
    stop with this. i am one person. spread this you insensitive f
    this build uses Swastikas for Historical Accuracy. not for Nazism/Facist propaganda.
    don't ban me because im spitting facts.

    +2 one year ago
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    242 kakaha

    @ShinyGemsBro I understand that the swastika originally ment good. But hitl3r changed the meaning of it. You writing a post on a video game website won’t change the meaning back. Neither was the swastika a lucky charm. In that period it just signified that they were n@zis. Saying that “the swastika was never even a bad symbol” is wrong because it represents racist hate. You simply can’t say stuff like that these days. I don’t think you could say stuff like that in the 30’s either.

    1.5 years ago
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    10.2k A380lover800

    @MrSilverWolf ok
    Anyway, is swearing good or bad? (In this web)

    1.6 years ago
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    @HololiveFan if you are using it incorrectly to state a political belief, I would, if you are using it for a required part of historical accuracy it’s fine, as mentioned prior, I will not continue this discussion further

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    10.2k A380lover800

    @MrSilverWolf imagine I will make a plane with a swastika and you will delete it

    1.6 years ago
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    10.2k A380lover800

    @MrSilverWolf like srsly?

    1.6 years ago
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    @HololiveFan yes, but it is not used in a political way, it’s used for historical accuracy……

    1.6 years ago
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    10.2k A380lover800

    @MrSilverWolf bruh but the swastika is a bad symbol

    1.6 years ago
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    @HololiveFan in this case the symbol is fine as it is use in a way for historical accuracy, not as use for a “political” belief or whatnot

    +2 1.6 years ago
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    2,790 Liquidfox01

    Damn man this is a beautiful build and you ought to be proud, forget that crybaby trying to get it removed they're just butthurt they'll never be on your level

    +3 1.6 years ago
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    13.9k Kangy

    @HololiveFan I’ve read the rules
    This is appropriate as it is based within the time period that Germany was under the third reich.
    So please, leave it be.

    +3 1.6 years ago
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    @WinsWings maybe the radial engine drives an electrical generator and this drives the propellor and the antigrav system :)

    +2 1.6 years ago
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    260k WinsWings

    The only thought for me is how the long engine shaft will connect to the pusher prop. Maybe the engine has to mount behind the pilot like Dornier Do 335/ Bell P-39 Aircobra for the pusher prop. Anyway, this is the fun build regardless of our nick-picking. please don't mind. Lov the desert camo

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    28.3k goboygo1

    I really dig this design! I bet the 30ft driveshaft would make engineers rage though. Reminds me of a P-39, They had a driveshaft that went between the pilot's legs lmao

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    @HololiveFan you high? Like... The frickin Rules Said Otherwise...

    1.6 years ago
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    @RamboJutter Moving the COG rearward is pretty much exactly the same as moving the COL forward? OFC then there's the the issue of visibility.... Also, I thought aside from the Imperial Japanese pretty much everyone else still somewhat value the pilots' lives? The Vultee XP-54 Swoose Goose had a downward ejection seat, while both the Curtiss XP-55 Ascender and the Northrop XP-56 Black Bullet were designed to jettison the props similar to the Do 335. Either way, all those things would probably make the plane heavier and slower than their traditional counterparts, and in the XP-56's case, make it too tail-heavy to be airworthy.
    ... Also, I thought the heaviest part of a plane is the engine? A front-engined pusher design also meant an engine shaft half a dozen meters long before we even get to the gearbox....
    ...... And now, ungrateful nickpicking time®: I thought something called the anti-gravity system would always point against the direction of gravity? Would a gimbal system that always points the thrust down help a lil' bit?

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    10.2k A380lover800

    @KingOfTypos @Kangy @RamboJutter brun the rule says "Don't use offensive symbols, unless they are necessary for historical accuracy (ie - Swastikas should only be used on things like a WW2 German Bomber)."

    1.6 years ago
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    10.2k A380lover800

    @KingOfTypos @RamboJutter @Kangy GUYS READ THE RULES IN THIS WEB NOW!!!!!!

    1.6 years ago
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    13.9k Kangy

    @RamboJutter i agree
    it's dumb to get hung up on it, like it's real, it happened and you can't just remove it because you don't like it
    so yeah i agree with you, good response

    1.6 years ago
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    25.9k KingOfTypos

    @RamboJutter snowflakes gonna be snowflakes i guess. And considering how hes silver tag. Probly never knew its fine to make them in the plane.

    1.6 years ago
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    @ThomasRoderick @WinsWings Thanks guys, i appreciate the comments and upvotes, glad you liked the build, it was really fun to put together for a change. In relation to the whole pusher concept, that was mainly a reflection of the SBD Type 300 layout which i was using as the basis of the design ( i assume that by moving the prop, hub etc rearward it can compensate for the long nose and allows the CofG to move further rearward), i appreciate that bailing out would be hazardous but in those days i think the concept of leaving the aircraft came second to everything else.

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    @HololiveFan @Kangy @KingOfTypos All the hard work to make the build and people are getting hung up on a symbol used on the fin... The colour scheme is based on authentic WWII BF109/FW190 schemes, this includes the swastika, hence it was included here for some authentic realism. I dont get the whole generational thing of having to destroy and remove history as it represented "bad things", it happened, the symbols, statues and monuments are a reminder that bad things happen and should not be repeated - this snowflake approach baffles me.

    +1 1.6 years ago
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