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Twin Copter

8,002 hardy57  2.7 years ago

Twin Copter may not be to pretty bat it has inner qualities.
It has a full set of functioning instruments so the HUD is not needed.
Here is the manual:
Use the auxiliary camera to “go on board”.
AG1 switches everything on and allows you to taxi on the ground with reduced power from the jets.
AG2 activates the helicopter engines.
Keep all controls in a neutral position before doing that.
Use VTOL, YAW and ROLL like flying a normal helicopter.
THROTTLE engages the jets and allows for higher speeds.
Speeds above 200 km/h make it behave like a plane.
Keep VTOL and TRIM a bit above 0 to keep it level at higher speeds.
300 km/h is a good traveling speed.
The Instruments from left to right:
Fuel gauge, speed gauge (one marking is 40 km/h), artificial horizon (Roll), artificial horizon (Pitch), above are altimeter (three needles for 10, 100 and 1000 meters) and altimeter for altitude above ground (the last 10 meters for easier landing).
Right site: Compass and a control instrument for VTOL, THROTTLE and TRIM. The control light is on when the helicopter engines are engaged.
The controls explain themselves.

Enjoy flying…


General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 40.9ft (12.5m)
  • Length 30.6ft (9.3m)
  • Height 11.3ft (3.4m)
  • Empty Weight 40lbs (18kg)
  • Loaded Weight 3,055lbs (1,385kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 21.639
  • Wing Loading 107.0lbs/ft2 (522.2kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 28.6ft2 (2.7m2)
  • Drag Points 4944


  • Number of Parts 215
  • Control Surfaces 3
  • Performance Cost 1,243