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Blue Cow gives you wings!!!

4,848 FartResidue  1.9 years ago

Blue Cow gives you wings . . .

. . . but no parachute

Blue Cow Lore:

In 1977, after multiple failing products, a entrepreneur named James Biden created an energy drink in Yeager city, Krakabola. The dink became popular with truckers in the area.

James expanded the business the following years. The Drink was named “Blue Cow” and It quickly became a popular drink for professional parachute jumpers, and overweight middle aged cyclists alike.

By 1984 the drink was known worldwide.

In 1989 the company expanded to a motor sport company, becoming a major competitor in the annual Sky Park City Grand Prix and sponsoring many new extreme sports.

In 1994, after being involved in a illegal Obaimiam trade in west Krakobola for a decade, James Biden was found guilty under the court of Andrew for illegal trade of Obamiod material. James Biden was sentenced to execution by the Kraken. He died in 1995

In 1994 After the new CEO Rob Boss took control, Blue Cow inc. Moved head-quarters to Andrew town in North Wright Island bay.

In 2006 a Blue cow stunt plane was destroyed by a false alarm-missle launch while flying from Avalanche airport. The company sued the Snowstone military for 10 trillion v-bucks

The Snowstone military refused to pay the fine.

The reason for the false alarm is suspected to be caused by failure of communication gear and radio identifier.

In 2017 Blue Cow Xtream was introduced, it was basically the same but with twice the caffeine, it was a massive success, with a 25% increase in the companies annual profit.

In 2020 The company purchased a Beast class aircraft carrier to use in their ads and stunts. However after a year it was becoming too expensive to operate

In 2035 Blue cow inc. began developing a miniature fusion reactor to use in their next generation of race planes.

In 2037 CEO Rob Boss died in accident involving a revolving door

In 2037 The scientist at Blue Cow Labs where able to achieve stable fusion in their miniature reactor. The scientists responsible for the reactor credit their breakthroughs to a diet of Beans And Blue Cow Xtream

In 2036 the Wright military contracted Blue cow Labs to make a top secret Obamium Fusion reactor.

In 2044 a Blue Cow stuntman Reanu Keevs became the person to backflip a cruise ship

In 2050, at St. Timothy Island off the 80 miles North of Mainland Wright, the Blue Cow scientists created the fist stable Obaimiam reactor.

This post is based off the viral incident, in which a Blue Cow wing suit stuntman forgot their parachute, but was able to use his can of Blue Cow to stay in the air long enough for the rescue team to prepare a net for them to land in.

Aside from the normal flavor there where 5 other Blue Cow flavors

  • Certified Fabric drinker
    Causes satisfabricification

  • Blue Cow Xtream
    Twice the caffeine

  • Pickle
    Tastes like pickles

  • Funky Tree
    Tastes like XML

  • purple
    109% not Uranium

  • Super Mega ultra Xtream
    5x the caffeine
    *side affects may include elevated heart rate, negative blood pressure, spontaneous combustion, panic attacks, feet, sense of impending doom, fruit salad, and indoor flooding.

The ingredients of Blue Cow (original)

70% caffeine
6% Big Mac
4% your mum
10% water
10% Rick


General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 6.7ft (2.0m)
  • Length 6.7ft (2.0m)
  • Height 1.2ft (0.4m)
  • Empty Weight 316lbs (143kg)
  • Loaded Weight 316lbs (143kg)


  • Wing Loading 8.9lbs/ft2 (43.3kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 35.7ft2 (3.3m2)
  • Drag Points 374


  • Number of Parts 27
  • Control Surfaces 4
  • Performance Cost 90
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  • Profile image
    4,848 FartResidue

    click here to earn 50% off your next order of Blue Cow

    Pinned 1.9 years ago
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    this is actually epik with the story

    3 months ago
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    4,848 FartResidue

    @Michiganstatepolice I don’t remembered since the lobotomy . . . .

    +1 1.1 years ago
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    @weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee what about the other 891%?

    +1 1.1 years ago
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    42.4k CL125

    @weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Insert raising eyebrow emoji here

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    4,848 FartResidue

    @CanadianAircraftBuilder it’s not a Rick roll

    1.6 years ago
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    42.4k CL125

    @weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee What is meant to be in the pinned comment i cant accsess it in canada rn.

    1.6 years ago
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    Plon lore

    1.9 years ago
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    10.1k Milo1628xa

    i have never seen anything like this before, flying wise and story wise haha

    1.9 years ago
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    28.5k Graingy

    I love that lore with all my heart, and considering that I'm a grain of sand on mars, let alone a SALESMAN, that says a lot!

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    @weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee what a familiar back code...

    +1 1.9 years ago