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Bombardier CS100 Arumila Airlines

2,547 KoreanAircraftliner  one year ago
Auto Credit Based on NoahthemanLOL's CS100 (BOMBARDIER AVIATION)

about Arumila Airlines Bombardier CS100 : The Arumila Airlines Bombardier CS100 is a short-range jet aircraft in operation from January 1, 2023 to the present and has been in operation for 68 short-range purposes so far, but there has been an accident

About Arumila Airlines flight 100

The Arumila Airlines flight 100 was an accident on an aircraft registered as the Registrar number AM-CSO. The flight 100, which took off from Arumila International Airport, the largest airport of the Republic of Arumila (ROA), suddenly stopped its engine while taking off, and had to make an emergency landing at Arumila International Airport In the aftermath, the Flight 100 crashed into the nearby sea According to the witness, "the plane went straight down vertically"

after the accident

Before the investigation, it was thought to be a suicide flight of a captain or a F/O (first offcer), but the investigation found that the captain accidentally turned off the engine 2 because he mistook it for an engine failure, and the captain was about to land at Arumila International Airport In conclusion, CFIT and engine failure have overlapped
Eventually, in the aftermath, all 70 passengers (including the captain and the F/O) died, so Arumila Airlines compensated the bereaved families with 800 million won

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor CS100 (BOMBARDIER AVIATION)
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 76.8ft (23.4m)
  • Length 79.5ft (24.2m)
  • Height 27.1ft (8.3m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 7,967lbs (3,614kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 1.184
  • Wing Loading 22.5lbs/ft2 (109.8kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 354.2ft2 (32.9m2)
  • Drag Points 10150


  • Number of Parts 210
  • Control Surfaces 9
  • Performance Cost 1,072