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15.6k Wernster  3.2 years ago

Tier II Medium tank

(Yeager armour)

Standard build, this build uses a low number of parts for low end devices to be able to spawn more than one, standard part limit is capped at 115, anything beyond 115 is considered a fully detailed collectible, and is no longer a standard build.

A fully detailed variant of an already existing standard build might be made, keep an eye out.


-Yaw For Hull Traverse
-Enable Foward And Reverse (AG1)
-Pitch For Foward And Reverse
-Enable Gun Traverse (AG2)
-Pitch And Roll For Gun Traverse

(Tip: Hold pitch up and disable AG1, this locks the throttle in place, allowing you to aim & fire on the move!)


A tank based on the Ts1 tractor's chassis, or rather an up armoured and armed tractor, obviously it is easier to to design a tank on top of an already existing chassis, although it was rushed it still proved to be quite reliable just like the tractor it was built around on. It would later branch out to multiple designs including the carousel.

However multiple issues were to arise not because of the engine or transmission but mostly because of the layout.

Service: 1936-1945
Production: 1936-1939
Is mass-produced: no

Armor (RHA-Equivalent in mm)

-(25)Hull front
-(18)Hull sides
-(12)Hull rear
-(30)Turret front
-(30)Turret side & rear


Type110 63mm
-(85) Of penetration at 50m (APCR)
-(6.81) average reload time
-(0) explosive mass


(22) kph, average speed

Low part count, always lower than 240, mostly less than 100 with all parts set to calculateDrag = false, enables you to spawn more than one without any issues.

Realistic performance, all vehicles perform as realistic as possible in mobility and firepower.

Advanced damage model is present, simulation of damage depending on armor thickness & angle, only works when against basic rounds, works best against other vehicles of mine.

All my recent vehicles can effectively engage each other the way it is supposed to, very useful for MP roleplay encounters or battles.

Creator's note: Another design based on my old drawings, if I ran out of ideas I could just look at my old sketchbook at anytime and gain inspiration that way, kinda convenient hehe.

Thank you!


  • Orao 3.2 years ago

General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 4.9ft (1.5m)
  • Length 10.2ft (3.1m)
  • Height 5.8ft (1.8m)
  • Empty Weight 1,133lbs (514kg)
  • Loaded Weight 2,917lbs (1,323kg)


  • Wing Loading 439,839.3lbs/ft2 (2,147,483.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 0


  • Number of Parts 45
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 367