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F/A-39 ''SpearShark Mk III''

36.3k AvalonIndustries  3.6 years ago

-Thank you for SadBoye12 for helping with this aircraft.-


In 2060, a Advanced Multi-Role Aircraft program was initiated. What Azure Corp created for the program, was one of the most innovative designs at the time, yet using a simple, old method.
The F/A-39 "SpearShark Mk III" was a Multi Role, Variable Geometry Wind, Advanced Fighter aircraft. Similar to it's predecessor, the F/A-38 "SpearShark II", it has a Forward and Backward Geometry Wing configuration.


Normal wing configuration.

Backward Swept configuration. (More speed, less maneuverability.)

Forward Swept configuration. (Less speed, more maneuverability)


Act 1: Nothing
Act 2: Prime Weapon Bays
Act 3: Prime Railgun Bay
Act 4: Nothing
Act 5: Afterburner
VTOL: Variable Geometry Wing
Trim: Trim


General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 29.9ft (9.1m)
  • Length 30.9ft (9.4m)
  • Height 7.3ft (2.2m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 1,267lbs (575kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 40.77
  • Wing Loading 6.9lbs/ft2 (33.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 184.2ft2 (17.1m2)
  • Drag Points 2


  • Number of Parts 162
  • Control Surfaces 4
  • Performance Cost 1,093