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33.8k EchoWhiskey11  5 months ago

Beta Model Testing



FLT/AG1: Main Flight Engine, activate once the craft is at hover and has cleared the landing pad.

HVR/AG2: Hover Engine, Operates between 85-100 of power setting. Allows the craft to ascend vertically. Deactivate once in flight or it may affect flight performance.

ARM/AG3: Arm Weapon Systems, Deploy hardpoints

OPN/AG4: Open Canopy

Pull Knob/Trim: Adjust Trim levels

Additional Controls for VR

Stick Controls:
Button 1: Next Weapon
Button 2: Next Target

Vector Lever:
Button 1: Counter Measures

Craft Information:
Class: Multirole/Ship Launched Fighter (SLF)
Armament: (AG3)
- 2 Pulse Cannons (GUN)
- 6 Guardian (GRD)
- 4 Interceptor (INT)
- 4 Inferno (INF)

The AVL-39A and later B models were designed to take on the roles that previous designs could not. Featuring an additional hardpoint bay, this effectively doubled the weapons capacity of all previous designs. In addition, the AVL-39 carries a variety of Air to Surface and Air to Air weapons. It uses a large set of variable tail fins that give it superior pitch in addition to RCN nozzles for stability and control at higher altitudes. The AVL-39 was designed to operate as a compact Ship Launched Fighter for Imperial ships and freighters.

Builders Notes:
Hello everyone, I've been gone for a while, but since then I have come up with a few new designs. This is one that I wanted to share with the community. I wanted to see if I could still build like I used to a few years ago. I also wanted to make something similar to my old EAS-417 while still using my design style. I apologize for the size, but I wanted to get all that extra detail into it. If it makes you feel any better, it runs on my phone, so if you ever used the Eagle I made back then, this should be fine.

Upvote if you want but for the most part this is just a test model and I'll be releasing an optimized version at some point.

General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 30.1ft (9.2m)
  • Length 52.3ft (15.9m)
  • Height 9.2ft (2.8m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 15,026lbs (6,815kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 10.958
  • Wing Loading 37.8lbs/ft2 (184.4kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 397.9ft2 (37.0m2)
  • Drag Points 4207


  • Number of Parts 568
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 2,727