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19th January RJ Sealion MKI 6.6

230k RamboJutter  2.4 years ago


The Fleet Air Arm used aircraft which had been adapted for use on aircraft carriers, not aircraft designed specifically for this purpose. The number of accidents was high due to aircraft fulfilling roles/situations that they where not suited for


Props where detached on a regular basis due to the tailwheel nature of the aircraft, this also lead to engine damage, spinners being deformed and sometimes the entire airframe was damaged to some extent when they ended up upside down.

Tail wheel aircraft also have a problem taxiing, the nose is in the air - this leads to zigzag taxiing on airfields but on carrier decks this is not possible, this leads to some additional aircraft damage when the pilot cant see what is parked in front of him...

RJ where employed to design an aircraft for the FAA from scratch to resolve the high damage rate of aircraft while also increasing the FAA ability to wage war at sea.

The aircraft was to be designed around the Rolls Royce Griffin engine, be fitted with a tricycle undercarriage and folding wing tips for carrier storage and armed with a minimum of 4no. 20mm Aden cannon.


AG1 = start engines
AG2 = lower arrestor hook
VTOL dn = lower flaps
LG = landing gear retract / doors


Tapered wing
Pilot moves his head on control input
Hollow undercarriage bays
Detailed flaps
Bendy roundels etc.
Exhaust lights linked to engine start
Engine tickover on AG1
Hidden airbrakes linked to flaps, u/c, -throttle etc.



General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 36.9ft (11.2m)
  • Length 37.5ft (11.4m)
  • Height 13.6ft (4.1m)
  • Empty Weight 6,396lbs (2,901kg)
  • Loaded Weight 8,909lbs (4,041kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.224
  • Wing Loading 15.7lbs/ft2 (76.8kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 566.7ft2 (52.6m2)
  • Drag Points 1293


  • Number of Parts 866
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 2,748
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    Lol idk why I used the word annoying, but it seems way too stretched from the real one, wide wings, big tail rudder, it seemed impractical@RamboJutter

    2.4 years ago
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    @DieLoaf Feel free to pass your opinion on things, i dont mind even if i dont agree with you lol. I kind of get what you are saying, im struggling to see how my builds are too similar, if i reuse anything i tend to rebuild everything else (so if i use the wing, then the fuselage etc. will be completely new) and i build everything from ww1 to the far distant future, i suppose they all have wings and a fus but that about it for similiarities unless they are part of a sequence of builds. I'm not interested in replicas, i would much rather use my imagination and put my own slant on an aircrafts design, sometimes using real aircraft for inspiration, sometimes not - this does test my skills much more than slaving over a single build to make sure its a millimeter perfect copy of something that has already been built. Just out of curiosity why was my F104 annoying?

    2.4 years ago
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    I see all that, but I see in nearly every build, that it looks way too similar, this is just my opinion, tell me If you wouldn’t wanna hear it, Nearly every build has the same wings, like you copied and paisted it, and landing gear seems identical and the fuselage is also super similar as the others, but yet it’s a different build, I kinda think you aren’t pushing to ur full potential, especially with your camo skills, try making a replica?
    I’m looking at ur builds, not every build is the same, they are actually pretty neat ideas, but stuff like This one are slight annoying to see, they are cool yes, but it would be cool to see you change completely, on planes, for a change and to test your abilities, wanna try to make a real accurate replica? RamboJutter

    2.4 years ago
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    @DieLoaf Thanks for your comment and upvote. Ive tried making cockpits in the past, to me it an enourmous waste of time / effort / parts - i rarely fly an aircraft from cockpit view so its of no benefit (I prefer to work on the aircraft itself - each to their own.) Daft as it may sound but i only found the advanced button for slicing halfway through this build... so i was working with only being able to slice one side which obviously limited my building, i have found it now so hopefully it will help in future builds (that have not already started lol). Yeah i agree with you regarding the U/C but its not that far out of position, the long nose and heavy engine up front would have brough the CofG forward from the normal 1/3rd of the wing chord, but its my fault as i re-used an existing wing from a tail dragger.

    2.4 years ago
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    I like ur builds, kindve, I feel like you could maybe improve, with the slicing, try to make a cockpit, or use it in landing gear?
    I would like u to add more detail if possible, and one other thing that grinds on me is how it looks like it should fall on its tail, lg seem way too far forward. But it’s fictional do what you want, just some ideas from me 😉

    2.4 years ago
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    Thanks eveyone =) I enjoyed my 5 weeks off from building, i have to admit i was tempted not to start building again but then i saw a picture of the ME309 which piqued my interest enough to start again. I doubt i will be building as regular as before and no doubt as im not making "meme" builds you wont see me on the home page lol. @Tang0five @ThomasRoderick @BeastHunter

    +3 2.4 years ago
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    52.5k Tang0five

    The legend returns with another great design! Although it seems flying cartoon characters are the flavour of the month :)

    2.4 years ago
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    Good to see you again!

    2.4 years ago
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    Pretty !

    2.4 years ago
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    13.4k d45h

    This looks incredibly strange but I love it

    2.4 years ago
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    50.1k BeastHunter

    You’re back!

    2.4 years ago