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12.0k airlinerbuilder  4 months ago

Hello everybody! Here's my first build for 2024, I can happily say that this year i finally have the motivation to build a bit more stuff so hopefully this won't be one of maybe 2 or 3 uploads like last year.

-What is this?
...A sporty citycar. It ain't that deep. I woke up one day and told myself "why not give my slow driving B0X1 a bagillion horsepower so i can drive it on the race track?" and this is the result.
This time there wasn't any real design inspiration so it keeps the design cues of the original and with that it also keeps the compact dimension being less than 3.2 meters long. But what it doesn't keep from the original is the performance, it got a power boost on all fronts allowing it to got up to 400 km/h (double the top speed of the original but only achievable by using all of the drive modes at once) but is suggest keeping speeds lower than 300 and in "Insane" mode it has a 0-100km/h in about 4 to 5 seconds.
Handling improved a lot since steering is now Roll based instead of Yaw based so it can be driven with mouse controls for more accuracy, but it did gain a lot of weight so i'm not sure if it could be even better.
Other changes are mainly in the interior of the cabin and of the mechanical parts where i either added more detail or hidden some crucial elements for performance (the downforce wings hidden in the air vents close to the tires, for example)

All of the controls are in the in game instructions, read them
or else.....

Phonix was a partner company of GIAT, they were known for making sporty cars and they had a whole line-up for high performance versions of GIAT cars called "PHONIX HPG". When the T50 B0X1 was introduced Phonix didn't really show interest in making a modified version since the car wasn't really fit for high speeds and mainly focused at being a great low speed runner for everyday life. But the company slowly got interested by:
a) the challenge of turning a B0X1 in a race car
b) having a lower priced entry level car that could make more people interested in the brand.
2 years after the intruduction of the original Phonix was officially at work on the HPG version. To keep down cost they decided to leave the car relatively unchanged only making the interior nicer and modifying performance, but most parts of the car including the motor would be recycled from other vehicles to lower development costs.
Another 2 years went by and the car was ready, being presented at the National motor show like the regular B0X1 but officially debuting only after proving itself on the race track at the Class M racing championship (a racing event involving modified versions of regular road going cars facing each other on the track) coming in 5th only losing to other way more advanced sport sedans and coupés while leaving every other small hatchback in the dust, thanks to its unmatched acceleration.
Sales went well but the car wasn't a massive success, the press doubted the safety of such vehicle at the insane speeds it could reach and crash test did prove an under-average score for the company (only a 6/10 in safety ratings compared to the usual 7-8/10). But some Fans still took it to heart and managed to fill a niche of cheap utilitarian sport cars.

-Random shots







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General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 6.7ft (2.0m)
  • Length 10.5ft (3.2m)
  • Height 5.5ft (1.7m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 4,818lbs (2,185kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 123.489
  • Wing Loading 86.0lbs/ft2 (420.0kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 56.0ft2 (5.2m2)
  • Drag Points 2768


  • Number of Parts 463
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 2,101
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    @Majakalona thanks, i really wanted to focus on details on this considering that
    A) i already had a working vehicle to start from
    B) the Original B0X1 was very simplistic

    +1 4 months ago
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    +1 4 months ago
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    34.1k Majakalona

    nice car
    Looks very detailed compared to the cars I've made
    (I think I've only made 3, a experimental sky car from the 1900s, a car frame, and a speedbrake covered big wheeled suspension covered jet powered thingamajig)

    +1 4 months ago
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    @airlinerbuilder game crashes

    +1 4 months ago
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    +1 4 months ago
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    Straight Outta Cyberbug 2077!

    +1 4 months ago
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