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31.2k IceCraftGaming  1.3 years ago
Unlisted Philippines
Auto Credit Based on IceCraftGaming's AA Stingray V-2 CAN_AA-GA [CURRENT]

Lore generated by Chat-GPT:
Icey, a test pilot, was tasked with evaluating the Stingray V-5, a new fighter plane. During his flight, he detected an enemy A.I fighter plane on his radar. Despite being vastly outnumbered and outgunned, with only 4 AIM-9 missiles and 2 vulcan guns at his disposal, Icey engaged the enemy in combat.

The enemy plane attacked with relentless ferocity, and Icey found himself in a desperate fight for survival. He used all his skills to dodge the enemy's attacks and strike back with precision, but it seemed like every time he thought he had the upper hand, the enemy would find a way to turn the tables.

Icey's ammunition began to run low, and he found himself in a dire situation. Just as he was about to be overwhelmed, he remembered a trick he had learned during his training. With a sudden burst of speed, he closed in on the enemy plane and fired all his remaining missiles in quick succession.

The enemy plane exploded in a brilliant flash of light, and Icey breathed a sigh of relief as he realized he had won the battle. But as he flew back to base, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had been lucky to survive. He knew that next time, he might not be so fortunate.

Despite the danger he had faced, Icey couldn't help but feel exhilarated by the thrill of the fight and the Stingray V-5's

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor AA Stingray V-2 CAN_AA-GA [CURRENT]
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 57.2ft (17.4m)
  • Length 72.3ft (22.0m)
  • Height 24.6ft (7.5m)
  • Empty Weight 18,083lbs (8,202kg)
  • Loaded Weight 32,400lbs (14,696kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 6.242
  • Wing Loading 32.1lbs/ft2 (156.7kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 1,009.2ft2 (93.8m2)
  • Drag Points 6619


  • Number of Parts 298
  • Control Surfaces 10
  • Performance Cost 1,525

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