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''SunLance'' Pulse Accelerator Turret

121k AWESOMENESS360  3.0 years ago

Here at Pyrhpan, we take pride in our technology. Our RailGun and RailCannon designs are the most powerful around, and they continue to prove themselves worthy in combat. And at vaporizing various large fruits. Because yes.

Today however, we decided to look further into the possibilities of weapon design. Look no further than the SunLance, a completely new design of weapons technology. This turret is a Pulse Accelerator, meaning it works on the same principles of the traditional Railgun, but instead of firing a large armor penetrating Tungsten Spike, it instead fires a bolt of pure energy in the form of superheated plasma. This is done by taking a small rod of metal, preferably Iron, and superheating it inside the gun until it is nothing but ionized plasma. This is then condensed into a relatively stable “blob” that is still plasmic from the heat, but due to the condensing, acts like a highly viscous liquid.

This plasma, naturally being repelled by the Earth’s magnetic field, REALLY wants to escape the barrel, but cannot before the gun is fired. To add to this energy-rich stress, a small, but more than powerful enough magnetic field disruptor is installed on the inside of the gun. This attempts to pull the plasma towards it, while the plasma has second thoughts as tries it’s hardest to escape. Of course it still cannot, but the amount of potential energy in this plasma is immense by now.

All that needs to be done, is to reverse the field disruptor to repel instead of pull, and to activate the six rails that line the barrel, designed to accelerate the plasma shot down the barrel at terrifying speeds. All of this happens simultaneously in a matter of milliseconds, and after that, there’s no going back. Immediately, the energized bolt of superheated plasma throws itself out of the barrel with great force, enough to easily destroy almost anything it hits.

Notable features:
• Doesn’t have the penetrating force of a Railgun, but has much higher incendiary damage, boiling any liquids around the impact site within a 2.5-10ft. radius.
• Almost has the same effect as a HESH Shell, (High Explosive Squash Head) hitting a target and spreading its energy around in one large area of splash damage.
• In every single one of our tests, the plasma-based projectile that this gun shoots has never ricocheted, even when fired at nearly a 180° angled target.
• Hits target hard, but has seemingly no impact force: the round doesn’t transfer much energy into the target, rather, it envelopes the target in energy, which then promptly incinerates everything due to the high temperatures.
• This gun’s projectile has no Parabolic Trajectory, which basically makes it a point-and-click weapon; aim at whatever you’re trying to fire at, and fire! As long as the barrel is directly aligned with the target, there is no parabolic trajectory to worry about.


Yaw to rotate the turret, TRIM to elevate and depress the turret. FireGuns to fire, instead of using the usual Cannon part on this weapon, I’ve used the WingGun part instead.

Not much else to say, other than due to it’s small size, this turret can actually be realistically mounted on relatively small vehicles, unlike my other turrets.

Have Fun!

General Characteristics

  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 18.0ft (5.5m)
  • Length 20.6ft (6.3m)
  • Height 11.5ft (3.5m)
  • Empty Weight 24,905lbs (11,296kg)
  • Loaded Weight 24,905lbs (11,296kg)


  • Wing Loading 74,040.8lbs/ft2 (361,499.0kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 0.3ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 5967


  • Number of Parts 54
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 382
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  • Profile image

    Is it just me or does anyone else think I’m making too many turret things

    Pinned 3.0 years ago
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    @EliteArsenals24 thanks!

    3.0 years ago
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    @AWESOMENESS360 no, you are not making too many turret things. Also very nice.

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    5,979 HaunebuII

    I love how simple it is

    3.0 years ago
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    you do a good job with the scientific descriptions. the only flaw i can find in it is that the repulsive force of earth’s magnetosphere would significantly lessen if the cannon where inside the magnetosphere’s radius
    ps: the part count is insane considering the high level of detail

    3.0 years ago
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    @BogdanX thanks! I wanted it to look good with few parts, and seeing a compliment on that from you, the master of part efficiency in crazy-accurate replicas, means a lot!

    3.0 years ago
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    3,611 Dathcha

    Only 54 pieces?!? nice part use dude

    3.0 years ago
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    10.1k Advil

    Yuhuh @AWESOMENESS360

    3.0 years ago
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    @Advil did you really just change your name to Advil, you were Valheru just a few minutes ago

    +2 3.0 years ago
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    55.6k PapaKernels

    Love how cleverly you use all of the peices into the body, very nice.

    3.0 years ago
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    10.1k Advil

    Honestly like the aesthetics in this one more than your last one.

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    10.1k Advil

    Damn I’m speedy

    3.0 years ago