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Thunder Struck

1,225 Crabwalker  7.7 years ago
Auto Credit Based on Gestour's Advanced Cockpit (Glass Canopy)

A next generation aircraft, Thunder Struck has an array of weapons to engage in various combat roles. Integrated VTOL and hidden weapons create a low profile and sleeker lines. The glass cockpit provides the pilot with a better command of aircraft functions. The value of 2.6 million gallons of fuel is a conversion factor, a hold over from the days of jet fuel, that gives the equivalent value of jet fuel that would be needed to match the advanced hybrid fuel onboard the aircraft. Just as a car engine is rated in horsepower, even though there are no horses under the hood, the gallons of fuel is a rating factor.

Take off is easy and can even be done from an aircraft carrier. Keep VTOL slider in neutral position and increase thrust, but not to maximum. Once airborne retract landing gear, move VTOL slider all the way up, then feel free to maximize thrust.

The various weapons are put at the pilot's disposal using an Activation Group. Once a group is activated, always move Trim from neutral all the way down (never up unless the intent is self destruct) in order to lock the weapon into ready position. Return Trim to neutral position to stow the weapon and be sure to turn off the Activation Group. Here are the groups:

AG1: Bridge destroying gun
AG2: Rockets
AG3: Main weapons bay doors (also activates air-to-ground bombs)
AG4: Missiles in main weapons bay for both air-to-air and air-to-ground
AG5: Twin bridge destroying guns (Got a bogey stuck on your six? Use these rear facing guns and light up some rear cheer!)
AG6: Top weapons bay for air-to-air missiles

Special Instructions for Missile use from the Main Weapons Bay:
Step 1. Turn on AG3
Step 2. Move Trim from neutral all the way down to open doors
Step 3. Turn on AG4

Special Instructions to Stow Missiles back into Main Weapons Bay:
Step 1. Ensure AG3 is off and AG4 is on
Step 2. Move Trim back to neutral
Step 3. Turn off AG4
Step 4. Turn on AG3

@Gestour for the glass cockpit
@Gg1234 for the bridge destroying gun


General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Advanced Cockpit (Glass Canopy)
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 57.8ft (17.6m)
  • Length 57.7ft (17.6m)
  • Height 12.8ft (3.9m)
  • Empty Weight 27,661lbs (12,546kg)
  • Loaded Weight 27,661lbs (12,546kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 1.868
  • Wing Loading 53.9lbs/ft2 (263.3kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 512.9ft2 (47.6m2)
  • Drag Points 11339


  • Number of Parts 495
  • Control Surfaces 4
  • Performance Cost 1,955