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RC-02 Black Crown II Search and Rescue

1,590 RoCh17  1.7 years ago

The RC-02 Black Crown II is a French aircraft used mainly for Search and Rescue missions : it can be either land based or carrier based, and will take-off when receiving a distress signal. It's ful capacity, low speed and numerous radar system are really usefull when it comes to find someone lost in the middle of the ocean. The pilot has a large windshield, giving him a excellent vision on the sky and the ground/sea in front of him while the crew, generally 4 to 6 persons can take control the differents cameras placed on the nose, on the belly and under the doors of the aircraft. Sometimes, the carrier-based version of this aircraft can also be deployed for submarine detection in hostiles waters. That why it is equipped with some flares and wing guns, that can help it defend itself against other aircraft or SAM's. However, if for any reason it had to land on the water, this aircraft has two inflatable emergency rafts located on orange pod's under it's wings. These pod's will automatically detach themselves is submerged by water, so the crew of the aircraft will ''just'' have to get out and climb onboard.

Now, about Action Groups :
AG-1 : Engines
AG-2 : Landing hook
AG-3 : Jettison fuel tanks
AG-4 : Master arms (guns)
AG-5 : Open doors
AG-6 : Eject emergency door
AG-7 : Nothing
AG-8 : Position lights

The cockpit is fully functionnal ; however, every switch does not activate something

Now, my computer cannot take it anymore... I wanted to design the crew place, making it a radar operation room, but I won't be able to do so without destroying my PC. So if one of you wants to try, please, be my guest ! Just let me know, so I can enjoy what you did...


  • This craft is curated

General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 57.8ft (17.6m)
  • Length 49.0ft (14.9m)
  • Height 17.1ft (5.2m)
  • Empty Weight 21,375lbs (9,695kg)
  • Loaded Weight 27,140lbs (12,310kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.869
  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.221
  • Wing Loading 58.4lbs/ft2 (285.1kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 464.9ft2 (43.2m2)
  • Drag Points 9943


  • Number of Parts 558
  • Control Surfaces 7
  • Performance Cost 2,008