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Starlight F2

2,667 evilbadger34  6.9 years ago
Auto Credit Based on evilbadger34's Starlight F1

Some say it was made from a star, others say it was sent down to simple planes from space, but most people know it was made from someone who created the Starlight F1. you can pull up almost instantly and fly more than 3 times faster than the original. have fun with those starlight engines!

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Starlight F1
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 23.0ft (7.0m)
  • Length 42.8ft (13.0m)
  • Height 13.0ft (4.0m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 21,266lbs (9,646kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.845
  • Wing Loading 209.8lbs/ft2 (1,024.1kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 101.4ft2 (9.4m2)
  • Drag Points 8355


  • Number of Parts 75
  • Control Surfaces 6
  • Performance Cost 492
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    8,065 Ryn176

    @evilbadger34 No problem! Feel free to ask further about PC/Laptops if you need any help.

    5.1 years ago
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    2,667 evilbadger34

    I appreciate your advice and tips. I think I might get a laptop after I finish moving and then I can get the gears moving from there. Thanks @Ryn176 !

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    8,065 Ryn176

    @evilbadger34 Well, you can create missions... There is something called "Mods". If you have a PC or Laptop and understand the basics of programming, you can create mods!
    Speaking of PC/Laptop why don't you buy one? You don't need RTX 2080 SLi or Radeon 7 to run SP at 60 FPS in High Settings, In fact, you can run SP just from it's Integrated graphics, you can take a look at a forum post I made a while ago and look at the comments. You just need a $200 Used Laptop or $350, that has 4 GB of RAM. And the thing with Laptops is that you can upgrade it's internal if they feel slow. Slap another 4 GB of RAM (Assuming that your Laptop already has a 4 GB RAM Module) and your laptop would be blazing fast.
    You live in the U.S, Right?
    Here are some links to cheap and nice Laptops found on Amazon and Newegg
    $334: Acer, An 8th gen i3, 6 GB RAM is more than enough
    $244: HP, Refurbished, has an SSD, has 8GB of RAM, and performs way better than the Acer
    $218: HP, the same model, except it has a 320 GB HDD which is slower than an SSD, and only has a 4 GB of RAM
    Also, RAM aren't expensive, here in Indonesia, 4 GB of RAM is about $10. and buy SP on Steam, and If you get a new device, steam saves it in its cloud so you don't lose any progress (As long as you have a stable Internet connection)
    Now when you don't know what to build, ask the community or just slap a Fuselage and wings, if it performs well, then continue on developing it. Trust me, building on Laptop/PC is WAY better than building on a phone.

    5.1 years ago
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    2,667 evilbadger34

    @Ryn176 oh really? Cool xD

    I have so many random projects at bay but I realized why I lost creativity so quick while building them.. It's because I figured out that there is nothing to do with them! On Android it's a hassle fighting against AI planes because it is just so laggy so I give up on that idea, I would've done the missions but I've done them so many times and had new devices that my progress always deletes! :(

    I'm waiting for an update with more things to do in the SP world like maybe explore a world with actual trees and land decor. Maybe even the option to create your own missions that people can download and try! There is so much that can be added to make the game more worthwhile and to keep people interested, I ran off of shear creativity and inspiration for 3 years on simple planes but I tried too hard and blew a fuse in my brain and now I can barely be creative on anything anymore. There needs to be more to do/explore. I'm struggling here, Ryn. I think I will just upload everything I have been working on and take a break from SP for a while.

    5.1 years ago
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    8,065 Ryn176

    Dude, I found your review in Google Play

    5.1 years ago
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    8,065 Ryn176

    @evilbadger34 AH! Finally! Good to know that you're working on something Hides away SP Shortcut from Desktop I've totally haven't work on anything...

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    2,667 evilbadger34

    @PlaneMaker28 @Ryn176 I miss you both, I'm back to evilbadger34 because I figured out the password and I miss this original account. I'm working on multiple things you will see.

    5.2 years ago
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    8,065 Ryn176

    @PlaneMaker28 I Agree

    6.5 years ago
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    Please rejoin simpleplanes I miss your fantastic creations!! Where are you.

    +1 6.5 years ago
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    2,667 evilbadger34

    @WEAPONSMITH thanks for upvoting I appreciate it 👍

    6.9 years ago