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CRFG-90 (Flak Gun)

7,404 CalebRepublic  2.9 years ago


The CRFG-90 was a 90mm flak gun that was made by the Caleb Republic during ww2. It was one of the first ones that were actually implemented by the CR. The original version of the gun had 2 90mm guns that were mounted side by side, but in testing the recoil and ammo feed proved to be too much/difficult so the CR made it have 1 gun but then put a plate of armor in front of it to give a little protection to the gun from small arms fire.


Shell erecting with working recoil piston

It turns infinitely and has a gyro stabilizer for the horizontal axis

Has a built in proximity fuse.


Roll for horizontal axis movement

VTOL for Gun elevation/depression

The gun has a shell that needs to be ejected that starts in there for some reason so before you fire a shell will fly out of the side.

General Characteristics

  • Created On Mac
  • Wingspan 4.8ft (1.5m)
  • Length 11.2ft (3.4m)
  • Height 6.2ft (1.9m)
  • Empty Weight 11,668lbs (5,292kg)
  • Loaded Weight 11,668lbs (5,292kg)


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 2779


  • Number of Parts 62
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 206