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AHQ-24 Bat

2,740 PriusCat  one year ago
Auto Credit Based on PriusCat's AHQ-24 Bat

Short Fictional History:

The The AHQ-24 Bat is a helicopter drone used by Acrea's Navy and Marine forces to provide reconnaissance, situational awareness, aerial fire, and precision targeting support for its ground, air and naval forces. after its first introduction in 2003, the Bat has proven to be a useful tool and saw combat in the Ardineen war during 2016-2018.

How to use this Helicopter:

Ag1- starts the engine and counter rotating propeller blades
Ag2- turns on all lights (becon, nav, and position lights)
Ag3- blank
Ag4- blank
Ag5- blank
Ag6- blank
Ag7- blank
Ag8- RCS Thrusters on the tail of the helicopter (turning this off makes the craft incapable of turning on its yaw axis)

This helicopter doesn't use Gyros to stabilize the craft as first off, it is well balanced and flies wonderfully so I don't see a use in it, and I feel gyros take away from the experience of flying a helicopter. After you turn on Ag1 the rotor blades will automatically spin up, so to take off all you need to do is increase the VTOL slider. if you want to descend rapidly just move the VTOL slider down. to use the pusher prop in the back just use the throttle, it's as easy as that!


After I learned that drone helicopters existed I found the concept to be pretty cool and decided to make one myself for my fictional world. I based my helicopter off of the Northrop Grumman MQ-8 Fire Scout and drew some concept designs (image 3 is one of them). eventually I made the Build on my phone and worked on improving it in the months. eventually I felt I had perfected the build and didn't do much with it after that. I like the build and think it's a good first build to publish on this website.

Extra stuff:

After about a year to reflect on this build I can tell its not perfect. the biggest issue I have with it is how massive it is. back then I didn't know that the MQ-8 was a small craft and just assumed it was the size of an average helicopter, boy was I wrong. Also, now that I'm a lot more experienced in craft building I'd like to try building this helicopter again.

This is my first post on my website, so I'm getting used to how this posting thing works. This craft I made is pretty old and I plan on making a newer version of it. If you got any recommendations on what I should add/change on this UAV then let me know, and I'll consider it.


General Characteristics

  • Predecessor AHQ-24 Bat
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 42.7ft (13.0m)
  • Length 54.2ft (16.5m)
  • Height 17.2ft (5.2m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 8,308lbs (3,768kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 5.352
  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.12
  • Wing Loading 441.1lbs/ft2 (2,153.5kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 18.8ft2 (1.8m2)
  • Drag Points 3543


  • Number of Parts 133
  • Control Surfaces 2
  • Performance Cost 617