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Boeing 747F National Airlines Flight 102

536 holme  6 months ago
Auto Credit Based on NotRealToxicUser's Boeing 747F National Airlines

This is my recreation of National Airlines Flight 102, I've put on some rockets to make the explosion when crashing more realistic, for better experience use the mod "Kaboom" by Gestour.

National Airlines Flight 102 (N8102/NCR102) was a cargo flight operated by National Airlines between Camp Bastion in Afghanistan and Al Maktoum Airport in Dubai, with a refueling stop at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan. On 29 April 2013, the Boeing 747-400 operating the flight crashed moments after taking off from Bagram, killing all seven people on board.

The subsequent investigation concluded that improperly secured cargo broke free during the take-off and rolled to the back of the cargo hold, crashing through the rear pressure bulkhead and disabling the rear flight control systems. This rendered the aircraft stuck in an uncontrollable pitch-up attitude and induced a stall, and made recovery by the pilots impossible.

At the time of the crash, the airline had been operating between Camp Bastion and Dubai for a month.[1] The accident flight had originated in Camp Bastion, where it had been loaded with five heavy armoured vehicles, and had stopped at Bagram Airfield to refuel.[4][5] The aircraft then took off from Bagram's runway 03 at 15:30 local time and was climbing through 1,200 feet (370 m) when its nose rose sharply. The aircraft then stalled, banked right, and leveled off just before impact with the ground; the whole aircraft exploded into a large fireball, almost damaging the vehicles nearby.[1] The crash site was off the end of runway 03, within the perimeter of the airfield. All seven crew, all of whom were U.S. citizens,[6] died: four pilots, two mechanics, and a loadmaster.[1] No one on the ground was injured.

A thunderstorm was also in the vicinity of Bagram at the time of the crash and the wind changed direction by 120° during one hour commencing approximately 35 minutes before the crash. A dashboard camera on a car in the vicinity of the runway end recorded the crash, which shows the aircraft pitching up, falling into a stall, and then sharply banking right after a slight bank to the left, indicating asymmetrical lift. The plane soon righted itself and then crashed at a shallow angle on the ground. CNN stated that a government official speaking on the condition of anonymity confirmed the video's authenticity.

Game Pictures:

Real picture of the aircraft:

Rest In Peace To Those Who Died In This Accident.

Upvoting my aircraft will be appreciated!

And farewell.


General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Boeing 747F National Airlines
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 200.8ft (61.2m)
  • Length 230.7ft (70.3m)
  • Height 76.6ft (23.4m)
  • Empty Weight 13,783lbs (6,252kg)
  • Loaded Weight 146,722lbs (66,552kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 1.229
  • Wing Loading 25.0lbs/ft2 (121.9kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 5,878.5ft2 (546.1m2)
  • Drag Points 74789


  • Number of Parts 360
  • Control Surfaces 5
  • Performance Cost 2,272
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    10.2k A380lover800

    @holme PLUH

    6 months ago
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    536 holme

    @TupolevTU144Charger Oh that's just a way to say goodbye, I didn't quit lol

    6 months ago
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    10.2k A380lover800

    @holme because it says on the description "And Farewell holme"

    6 months ago
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    536 holme

    @TupolevTU144Charger ?

    6 months ago
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    10.2k A380lover800

    are you gonna quit?

    6 months ago