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49.2k Apollo018362  3 months ago
Auto Credit Based on MAPA's AQG-Yk05

Thanks Mapa for solving a problem!

Another idea literally off the paper!
Is this going to be a series?

Once upon a time, in the competitive world of regional commercial aircraft, Aquino Global and Yakovlev joined forces to create a game-changing aircraft. The result of their collaboration was the AQG-YK05, a Short Takeoff and Landing (STOL) marvel powered by a reliable radial engine.

The AQG-YK05 was designed to meet the growing demand for efficient regional transportation in remote and challenging environments. Its unique STOL capabilities allowed it to operate from short and unprepared airstrips, opening up new possibilities for connecting underserved communities.

With its rugged construction and powerful radial engine, the AQG-YK05 quickly gained a reputation for reliability and versatility. Airlines around the world embraced this new aircraft as it proved its worth in diverse conditions, from tropical jungles to icy tundras.

Passengers marveled at the comfort and convenience offered by the AQG-YK05, as it whisked them to destinations previously inaccessible by larger aircraft. Its distinctive roar, courtesy of the radial engine, became synonymous with dependable performance and adventure.

As the years passed, the AQG-YK05 continued to serve as a lifeline for remote communities and a workhorse for regional airlines. Its legacy endured as a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation in aviation.

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor AQG-Yk05
  • Successors 3 airplane(s) +115 bonus
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 42.2ft (12.9m)
  • Length 50.5ft (15.4m)
  • Height 19.2ft (5.8m)
  • Empty Weight 415lbs (188kg)
  • Loaded Weight 8,624lbs (3,912kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.231
  • Wing Loading 19.7lbs/ft2 (96.3kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 437.3ft2 (40.6m2)
  • Drag Points 1041


  • Number of Parts 108
  • Control Surfaces 7
  • Performance Cost 622