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Ravirium WakeRider - Ostenia

4,539 MobiusBuilds  1.9 years ago
Auto Credit Based on lewishasnoiq's The Terona Crisis

We here at Ravirium Aerospace not only sell to the U.S we sell to entire countries not in our universe.

with the war raging on in Bordansk and Terona with many foreign countries aiding Bordansk and a Global coallition all with the goal of stopping Terona.

Ravirium Sought an oppurtunity to sell the newly developed wakerider strike fighter derived from the previous knowledge of the skypiercer.

That oppurtunity did come with the Ostenia military needing a strike fighter that fly from Ostenia to Terona and make back home due to the coalition navy having trouble reach the country of Terona due to their sheer firepower.

With the Ravirium test pilots demonstrating the wakeriders abilities to the Ostenian Airforce Top Brass the Airforce approved of the wakerider and orders were placed.

With the wakerider being a mach 4-6 strike fighter only the Best Pilots in the Ostenian airforces ranks were allowed to fly it with them being trained by Ravirium test pilots.

with only 5 wakeriders in service and 30 more on the way it already was starting to prove its worth with its powerful radar and array of weapons with mach 5 Interceptor Hs air to air missiles able to engage and reach a target before they can react along with its improved Inferno air to ground missiles able to wipe out mostly anything on the ground and its trump card a Tactical laser almost able to cut through anything although it has a short burst until it needs to recharge.

just a fun little story for my challenge entry Enjoy!

Aircraft is apart of the 40th strike fighter squadron


General Characteristics

  • Predecessor The Terona Crisis
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 61.3ft (18.7m)
  • Length 108.3ft (33.0m)
  • Height 19.3ft (5.9m)
  • Empty Weight 12,246lbs (5,554kg)
  • Loaded Weight 23,697lbs (10,749kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 68.335
  • Wing Loading 19.5lbs/ft2 (95.2kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 1,216.0ft2 (113.0m2)
  • Drag Points 12209


  • Number of Parts 131
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 707
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    the longer the thinner darkstar

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    4,539 MobiusBuilds

    @Yourlocalhuman yeah the darkstars wing layout is a good base for designing something hypersonic i may try and find another another base for desigining these highspeed aircrafts in the future

    1.9 years ago
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    Another darkstar....

    +1 1.9 years ago