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T232 space drive mark 8

9,430 CALVIN232  7.8 years ago

Credit to the following for parts and etc

@Ronyseptine17 (for the extra powerful VTOLs from his raptor)
@leoyao and @Gestour (for the small secondary VTOL system)
@pilotmario(the blastos and the Turbine engine)
@TrainDude (for lightning the blasto engines)

Took some time glitching the parts together right I hope you all like this ultra engine note your plane must be able to take ultra high speed and has to be able to force this engine to go were you want I.e don't expect it to work if you attach it to a little dingy thing


General Characteristics

  • Successors 1 airplane(s) +7 bonus
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 4.7ft (1.4m)
  • Length 19.4ft (5.9m)
  • Height 4.8ft (1.5m)
  • Empty Weight 9,905lbs (4,493kg)
  • Loaded Weight 9,905lbs (4,493kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 35.731
  • Wing Loading 439,839.3lbs/ft2 (2,147,483.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 2011


  • Number of Parts 89
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 724
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    @marcox43 I know

    4.6 years ago
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    23.4k marcox43

    @CALVIN232 Nein means "no" in german

    7.6 years ago
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    9,430 CALVIN232

    Also mark 9 will come out before the ship you see I work on projects many at a time when I hit stump on one I work on another then when I think of something that will work to back and try it @ShrikeParamilitaryForces

    7.6 years ago
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    9,430 CALVIN232

    Btw the reason I posted the engines is mainly at first to get parts for them and secondly because people surprisingly really went for the mark 1 which is odd because it was really heavy meaning only a massive plane could have a slight chance of controlling it the post was removed tho due to arguments that started on there between me and Derrick at the time I didn't know it was him and it cause massive amounts of complex stuff and to end it I removed the post to remove the augments @ShrikeParamilitaryForces

    7.6 years ago
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    9,430 CALVIN232

    ? I'm unsure as to what nein means but this was a project a bit of time ago it started when I wanted a specific engine look for a specific space shuttle (still in progress along side the regular ship) but my first model was to heavy and due to a slight imperfection which was causing it to turn I had to put two together to combat it the second wasn't much lighter and the rest till mark 5 was basically lighting the thing up then mark 6 the first redesign thx to the new inlets it was faster lighter and I made it from double to single because I had fixed the imperfection and soon came mark 7 the idea to spilt the engines ignition Into stages then mark 8 simplified the stages to make it more practical as well as making it lighter and smaller again the mark 9 will be better as I have a new way to get everything in a much smaller space as well as lighting it up only problem is I still don't have a way to fit it to the space ship however the regular ship is coming along nicely I have the hull the bay doors (working on they fall off sometimes) and the AA-AG TURRET is near finished as well that will be its main weapon in also working on a self destruct mode and a way to fire everything at once so when you know your going down you can make sure you take a few with you @ShrikeParamilitaryForces

    7.6 years ago
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    9,430 CALVIN232

    A update to this will come soon

    7.6 years ago