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Ju 288G-2 "Sonderausführung" w/ 280mm Düka 280 (KG53 "A1+FH")

9,428 vcharng  4.2 years ago
Auto Credit Based on vcharng's [SU1946] OKB-1 140 (Junkers EF-140) Z

The Junkers Ju 288 "Sonderausführung" (Special Modification) was a paper project about mounting an 280 mm recoilless rifle ("Düsenkanone") onto the Ju 288 platform. After the failure of the original Ju 288G (with 355mm single-shot recoilless rifle), the project was abandoned as the Luftwaffe already have better, more advanced arsenal.

IMPORTANT: Read how to fly first!
Throttle: Propeller pitch (this aircraft uses constant-speed propeller, max power is about at 70% pitch. Lower for slow speeds and higher for high speed/high altitude)
AG1: Flap
AG2: Auxiliary yoke (will disable rear gun as they use the same person)
AG3: Air brake
AG4: Lorenz Beam system: Wright airport
AG5: Lorenz Beam system: Yeager airport
AG6: Lorenz Beam system: Avalanche airport
AG8: Engine ignition

Launch Countermeasures: Fuel pump (fuel tank pressurization)
VTOL: Turret up/down
Trim: Turret left/right.
The dorsal turret will automatically stop firing when the aiming point is beyond its firing arc or when it could hit its own tail. Do NOT rotate the turret too quickly while firing as this could cause this safety measure to fail.

The Düka 280 is selected via normal air-to-ground weapon selection. The aircraft carries 5 rounds, with a 5 second reload. 1 second after firing the cartridge will be ejected.

How to fly:
First, start the engine.

Look at the fuel pressure gauge to your right, press and hold Launch Countermeasures until the pump moves 5 or 6 times, when the pressure is higher than about 60%, the engine will ignite.
If you spawn in the air, the fuel will pressurize automatically above 100 km/h.
However, once you landed and came below 100 km/h you will need to re-pump the gas.
Throttle about 50% (then gradually increase as you accelerate), flaps down and take off at 240km/h.

Do not fly above the following speed under respective situations:
Gear down: 380 km/h IAS
Gear up: 550 km/h IAS

Flying faster than 380 km/h with gear down for too long will cause the landing gears to be stuck; flying faster than 550 km/h for too long will cause the tail to break away.
In order to work with air spawns (for example, the WWII torpedo bomber challenge spawns you at nearly 700 km/h), the destruction system is actually quite forgiving, just remember to gear up immediately after spawn.

Ideal takeoff speed is 240-280 km/h and ideal landing speed is 230-250 km/h, both with flaps down.

Advanced: How to use the Lorenz Beam system
The Lorenz Beam was an early blind landing system designed before WWII and saw extensive use by the Luftwaffe, the actual working procedure is a bit complicated, but it comes down to this:
1.turn on the switch for the airport you want to land at. (AG4 for Wright, AG5 for Yeager, AG 6 for Avalanche. Smaller airstrips does not have Lorenz Beam stations)
2.If the red light is on:
2-1 for Wright, it means you are north of the airport
2-2 for Avalanche, it means you are east of the airport
2-3 for Yeager, it means you are north or east of the airport AND LORENZ BEAM IS DISABLED (because of the mountain north of Yeager, blind landing from the north is NOT supported)

3.Use the two yellow lights to know your approach course.

This is a picture of how real world Lorenz Beam works. There are two stations placed on either side of the runway, and they broadcast radio signals in a cone near the landing path.
In this SP version, left light means you are +/- 5 degrees from the "left station" of the runway, and right light means you are +/- 5 degrees from the "right station".
You need to keep both lights lit as you continue to approach the runway.
Since it is broadcast on cones, when you are very close to the stations you may find the lights go off. This is part of how Lorenz Beam works, don't worry, you should be close enough to visually land on the runway.

Aircraft History:
The Ju 288 was a bomber developed by Junkers for the Schnellbomber (fast bomber) project. It was set to replace all Luftwaffe bombers. Unfortunately the Jumo 222 engine it uses was plagued with all kinds of trouble, and all the later bomber designs were cancelled because of that (including He 177 and Ju 288). Of the few completed prototypes, BMW 801 air-cooled engines and DB606/610 "power units" were used. Most later Ju 288 prototypes use the 606/610, which is basically two DB605 engines coupled together (that's why this twin-engine plane has four ignition switches because they are actually two pairs of engines)

The Ju 288 G-2 was an original designation, for the Düka 280 special model. In early 1940s, the Luftwaffe developed a few large gunned bomber aircrafts for anti-shipping purposes. Unfortunately, the first model, the 355mm SG104 recoilless rifle was deemed too dangerous to be mounted (as the blast wave would damage the fuselage), and thus all similar projects are abandoned. Although this Düka 280 design may solve the problem, by the time this came up the Luftwaffe already had better, more advanced anti-ship weapons, and thus are not interested about huge guns anymore.

The original Ju 288 uses a 3-man pressurized cockpit, a pilot, a lower gunner/bombardier and a upper gunner/radio operator/auxiliary pilot.
However, the lower gunner's position is occupied by the cannon, so all lower turrets are removed from this particular model.
Since the upper gunner has to double as the auxiliary pilot, when you lower the auxiliary yoke, the rear turrets will be disabled.


^ Instrument panel on the left side of the cockpit

^ The Lorenz Beam stack

^ The gunner's periscope

^"Hans, where the F did that cowboy go?"
"I can hear his plane squeaking below me... I think he collided with us, sir!"


General Characteristics


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.165
  • Wing Loading 65.2lbs/ft2 (318.3kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 546.6ft2 (50.8m2)
  • Drag Points 8128


  • Number of Parts 645
  • Control Surfaces 8
  • Performance Cost 2,889
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    23.4k marcox43

    @vcharng thx!

    3.8 years ago
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    9,428 vcharng

    @marcox43 go ahead

    3.8 years ago
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    23.4k marcox43

    mind if I borrow your Lorenz beam stack?

    3.8 years ago
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    167 ATIS

    @vcharng aye my dude! Do you have discord? I need some help with my plane

    4.0 years ago
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    215 fridolin

    @vcharng thanks I will do that now!

    4.2 years ago
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    9,428 vcharng

    @fridolin Actually you can put a countermeasure dispenser on this thing and it will fly.

    4.2 years ago
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    215 fridolin

    @vcharng thanks I am a IPad user so creations like yours are sometimes odd to us but to see how much time expand effort you poured into it it makes it worth it just looking at it even if we can’t fly it. Do you. So keep up the good work we the community are here to support each other and tp praise each other and to correct and help each other create something. So remover that and you will always have help from us.
    A low level SimplePlanes user

    P.S. it really is amazing do why don’t you make another one and turn it into the the Luftwaffe challenge?

    4.2 years ago
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    9,428 vcharng

    @fridolin We have a separate key on keyboard to press. I set it on "V", not sure if it's default.

    In my later planes I will stop using that as a mechanical input.

    4.2 years ago
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    215 fridolin

    @vcharng mobile players do rely on the counter measure button. How do people do it on pc?

    4.2 years ago
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    92.0k ReignSUPREME

    nice plane

    4.2 years ago
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    9,428 vcharng

    @ChiChiWerx Most of my builds are designed to be flew by mouse, so ....yeah, I admit, it's not really mobile friendly...

    I personally dislike the constant speed propeller design that SP system allows me to do, too. And believe me, I tried to funky tree a better one.... but I haven't find a way to do so yet. A real constant speed propeller should have different RPM settings ,as well as a propeller pitch setting to decide how much propulsion the set RPM should give, but SP's system simply binds the RPM at max and let you decide the pitch...

    As for trim.... I'll try to either put auto-trim (again, funky tree) into it or just enable manual trim on my next build, but for this one, since trim is occupied by turret control, it's not really feasible...

    For the Lorenz beam, I suggest doing this:
    Switch to rear pilot (cam1), click and drag to a good angle to see the lorenz beam, keep your mouse button/finger down, and switch back to cockpit view. This will cause the view angle of the rear camera to be locked, so you will be able to constantly see the Lorenz beam every time you switch to aux. pilot, until you click and drag again.

    4.2 years ago
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    29.9k ChiChiWerx

    I’ve been flying this thing around yesterday and today because I wanted to give it a good review. Overall, this is very entertaining, which is the best you can say for an SP build. If you think about it, the idea is ludicrous. An airplane like this, at 35,000 lbs would stop midair if you fired a 280 mm cannon...even if “recoiless”. The largest cannon employed is the 105 mm onboard the AC-130, which fires sideways, has a sophisticated recoil system and the Herc is about 4 1/2 times as heavy and powerful as your build. However, simply the idea of putting holes in the ships in game kept me at it, trying to master it enough until I could do so. Also, it was a brave decision to go with the constant speed prop thing, connected through the throttle. I doubt many players appreciate that, though to make it truly lifelike the way it’s setup (with max “thrust” at 70% instead of closer to 100%) it probably should incorporate both throttle and pitch controls. The Lorenz beam system is interesting, though not very practical as set up...any approach guidance system needs to be right in front of the pilot, or at least a repeater in front of the pilot. I suppose the nav might give a PAR to the pilot on approach, but, unfortunately, that’s impossible in SP. I like the idea, though. The build quality is appropriate; there aren’t any jarring misconnects with it, all parts, interior, exterior, wing technique, etc., is at the same quality. You also don’t the stupid “unlimited fuel” thing...nice move. Though not the most accomplished build out there, I’d definitely call it “above average”. The flight model is decent, it’s appropriately fast and maneuvers about as well as a Ju-288 would have, though I question if lugging around a 40,000 lb (more than total aircraft weight, BTW!) artillery piece wouldn’t have put more of a crimp in the performance. Perhaps the piece was might lighter because a recoiless rifle is more of a bazooka than a true cannon. The two biggest areas for improvement would be the lack of trim and to move that stupid cockpit rail right in the aiming sight line...I flew this on an iPhone, so it might not have that exact same view on PC or Android. But the lack of trim...that did the most to detract from the experience as I just had to constantly hold back stick to takeoff, fly around, aim (very painful) and land. If I had just one recommendation for your next build, it would be to PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE put trim in it! But, overall, fun build.

    4.2 years ago
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    9,428 vcharng

    @WIZARD2017 Yeah, this thing came in a weird timing between 1.9.1 and 1.9.205, so the shell is actually 2x size of the barrel.... (it was designed before there was a explosive scalar setting)

    4.2 years ago
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    83.6k WIZARD2017

    huge shell

    4.2 years ago
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    9,428 vcharng

    @ChiChiWerx I just noticed that you weren't tagged despite you showed interest in the Lorenz Beam system on this beam. Come take a look!

    4.2 years ago
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    9,428 vcharng

    @SimoneRomano Good to hear.
    Next time I make a plane with a manual fuel pump, I'll stop using countermeasures as input.

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    @vcharng Ok, with countermeasures it works! Thanks!

    4.2 years ago
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    32.3k CRJ900Pilot

    Awesome job! It's jam packed with incredible features, thanks for making such a wonderful plane!

    4.2 years ago
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    26.7k Gameboi17

    veri noice m8

    4.2 years ago
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    9,428 vcharng


    4.2 years ago
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    9,428 vcharng


    4.2 years ago
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    9,428 vcharng


    +1 4.2 years ago
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    9,428 vcharng


    4.2 years ago
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    9,428 vcharng


    4.2 years ago
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    9,428 vcharng

    @Fartspoppop If you spawn in the air, use 50-75% throttle to fly. Read the descriptions, I put it fairly front in the article.

    4.2 years ago
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