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Aallog 2 - Ornithopter

4,091 DustyT33  3.4 years ago

So, this is another build around half a year old, but the idea is 1.7 years old, but never tried to made it until like, a year ago. It's based on Shahram's Aallog

Talked to him in Discord, about how he couldn't make it fly. He tried replacing the feathers with wing, and it glitches out. So, I tried to make one. This is the first working version. The wing proportions and shape isn't very accurate, but, hey, it can flap, fly, and fold.

Flap automatically using throttle, and trim if you want to flap manually and adjust the wing. VTOL is for folding the wings.

AG 2 is for boost during diving, and was used when testing if it would glide.

It can take off from the ground if you lift the wings up first using trim, then simultaneously throttle up and activate 1.

ONLY works on high and medium physics.

Some pics:

Also a pic of the "skeleton" because I think it looks cool:

Currently making a new one with more realistic feathers but progress is very slow for reasons that also made me inactive on Discord, so I'm just uploading the old one for now with the only change of swapping some of the fuselage with glass.

General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 105.6ft (32.2m)
  • Length 68.9ft (21.0m)
  • Height 40.5ft (12.3m)
  • Empty Weight 4,173lbs (1,893kg)
  • Loaded Weight 7,323lbs (3,322kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.92
  • Wing Loading 4.9lbs/ft2 (23.8kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 1,504.9ft2 (139.8m2)
  • Drag Points 21042


  • Number of Parts 565
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 2,621