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Random RA-1 "Duck"

2,174 Random40  4.3 years ago
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This is the Random Industries RA-1 “Duck”. It is the first aircraft that I have made with a flying cockpit and it taught me a lot about funkytrees. Before I get into anything though, thanks to SnoWFLakE0s for giving me a funky trees code. I think that the code was for the stall warning beacons…

Anyways, here are the controls.

Normal airplane controls
Landing Gear up = retract water rudder
Yeah that’s it.


Full throttle and pull up…


Lower throttle to about 20 percent and decrease altitude to between 20 and 30 feet. Once there, cut the throttle and keep the nose up until the plane lands.

Custom Cockpit

The big dial is an IAS indicator.
The smaller dial next to it is for altitude.
The green beacon turns on when the water rudder is retracted.
The yellow beacon turns on at 80 mph, 20 mph above the stall speed.
The red beacon turns on at 60 mph, the stall speed.


This plane is for really gentle flying. It isn’t going to do really fast loops or rolls. My favorite thing to do with it is actually flying low and slow over the ground. Also, when you are in the cockpit view, take the plane to a few thousand feet, full throttle, and try a loop. It looks really cool.


Flying low and slow


General Characteristics

  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 127.1ft (38.8m)
  • Length 110.6ft (33.7m)
  • Height 26.1ft (8.0m)
  • Empty Weight 42,029lbs (19,064kg)
  • Loaded Weight 46,320lbs (21,010kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.259
  • Wing Loading 8.5lbs/ft2 (41.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 5,442.8ft2 (505.7m2)
  • Drag Points 43132


  • Number of Parts 160
  • Control Surfaces 7
  • Performance Cost 882