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Jet Powered MONSTER TRUCK v1.2

25.3k Kendog84  2.1 years ago

Update Jan 21, 2023:

Did some xml editing, and now partCollisionResponse of all parts are set to None. Meaning, truck no longer explodes when going over bumps. As often.

*Sorry, I've posted a wrong version earlier by mistake. This is the correct one. Too sleepy. Need to go to sleep now.

Promotional Video! (This is the link)

Jet Powered traffic crushing FUN!

(*This truck does not come with working suspensions.)
Gimme an upvote if you like this thing. ...Err, right! Pretty please!

Coke Thrower may not work if your physics setting is on Medium or High. Not sure why.

My first ever proper land vehicle, if I recall correctly. Earlier I've uploaded a... how should I say, a simpler "car" with the same concept, but it was just too ugly even for a shiiiitpost, so I decided to build a better version, and this came out. I put way too much effort for what's basically a shetpoust. Don't regret it though, I had a blast building this thing (as well as blasting this thing literally). I might upload a version with normal wheels and tires later. Compared to the aforementioned original which I'd rather forget, the mumber of jet engines I think is reduced to half. Still, the wheels look decent I'd say. Oh and this thing is a good climber, give it a try yourself;)
For inspiration, I had the monster truck from GTASA in mind (would've been cool if I could do the glitch in this game). Front is also inspired by 8th gen Ford F series, which I looked up for dimensional reference. Body size is more or less in the realistic range.

Ag1: Toggle Booster Jet No1
Ag2: Toggle Booster Jet No2
AG3: Toggle Gyro
Turbo (weapon menu): Ignite Rocket Turbo
-Ballistic Flood Lights
-Freedom Gun
-500lbs coke Thrower
*"Turbo" and "Booster" shoulda been swapped. I wasn't thinking much clearly when I made the thing. Oh well.

Isometric view...?

...Now I kinda want to put something like this in the original Fallout. A nuclear powered monster truck o death.

Jet wheel (Initial inspiration came from Triebflugel. Failing to make jet powered rotors (as in, jet engines attached at the tips of rotating wings) resulted in this Monster-truck-iosity.

Simple Hinge Rotator Suspension

Earlier "monster truck" that a few lucky people had the misfortune of downloading.

More pic of me crushing Dord pickup truck (coming later!)

High effort shitpasta
Jet Powered Monster Truck by Kendog84


General Characteristics

  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 12.4ft (3.8m)
  • Length 20.0ft (6.1m)
  • Height 18.9ft (5.8m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 293,177lbs (132,983kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 242835.936
  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 9077


  • Number of Parts 202
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 1,380
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    25.3k Kendog84

    I know right? lol! It wasn't going to be this ridiculous at first, but then the theme of Team America started playing and going "America! F* YEAH!" in my head, and I just couldn't escape that feel. lol (I'm not an American btw)

    2.1 years ago
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    This is the most american thing i can imagine 😂

    +2 2.1 years ago