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Airbus A330-200 Air France (Flight 447)

5,613 Footballbilibili  one year ago
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Auto Credit Based on AS49's Airbus A330-200 SwissAir (HB-IQF)

Airbus A330 is a high-capacity fly by wire controlled jet medium and long range two channel wide body passenger aircraft produced by European Airbus Group in June 1987, which is used to replace Airbus A300 and Airbus A310, and is developed at the same time as the four engine Airbus A340.The Airbus A330-200 is the long-distance and short body type of the A330, derived from the Airbus A330-300 with a longer body. Mainly used to replace the A300-600R from the same factory, it was launched in November 1995, made its first flight in August 1997, and began delivery in April 1998.


General Characteristics


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.513
  • Wing Loading 32.2lbs/ft2 (157.1kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 3,124.2ft2 (290.3m2)
  • Drag Points 12002


  • Number of Parts 572
  • Control Surfaces 5
  • Performance Cost 2,859