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Novair SF-1000

156 LieutenantSeal  2 months ago

Fictional story: So the Soviet Union develops the Mig-29 in 1983. America Takes notice of this so in 1985 they release the Novair SF-1000 (Speed Fighter 1000) as a direct response to that. It has a top speed of 1501 Mph or Mach 1.95, It it is designed to take kinda tight turns. but isn't very manueverable as the Mig-29 But if you can tell by the name it was mainly designed around speed. it has an arnament of 1 machine gun and whatever the hell the Air force could find that could fit on it (yes you can put your own weapons on it) but this plane is mostly meant for air to air combat. However you can strap a few bombs on it and it can be like a multirole or whatever but yeah. well that is the FICTIONAL story of this fighter jet a Navy version will be released soon.

General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 19.3ft (5.9m)
  • Length 36.4ft (11.1m)
  • Height 9.0ft (2.8m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 7,358lbs (3,337kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 6.413
  • Wing Loading 43.6lbs/ft2 (212.9kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 168.7ft2 (15.7m2)
  • Drag Points 1032


  • Number of Parts 34
  • Control Surfaces 5
  • Performance Cost 298