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1,373 VoidGuardian  8 months ago

The NEWEST and PROUDEST new jet from V.O.I.D INDUSTRIES!! The lance!!!

This is the first time I tried to make custom landing gear and I think I did fine. Also the first time I built a custom canopy and actually tried to make a functional cockpit. Also has custom exhaust trails that look very cool!

This guy even has his own startup sequence!!

How to turn on:
1)Flick the yellow switch to the top right of the panel that's your master power switch.
2)Turn on the switch to the middle left of the pannel that's your compressor and fuel pump 1.
3)Turn on the switch to the bottom left of the pannel that's your thruster 1.
4)Turn on the switch on the top left that's switches power from external to internal.
5)Turn on the switch to the middle right of the pannel to turn on compressor and fuel pump 2.
6)Turn on the the switch to the bottom right to turn on thruster 2.

This thing also has a custom stealthy missle pod!! Selecting the respective missiles will open its respective missile door. It also has a built in autocannon in the pod.

Has the new VI Hammer a long range anti ship missile to help deal with those pesky destroyers.

Has 2D thrust vectoring. A little but jank and will put itself into a death spiral if you push it wayy to hard to easy on psm manuvers lol.

Activation groups and what they do:
Ag1: Canopy
Ag3:Photo mode(does the wing thing)
Ag5:Fuel dump

AI lore:
In the world of advanced military aviation, the Lance is a cutting-edge jet designed with superior capabilities to dominate both air-to-air and air-to-surface engagements. Developed by a renowned aerospace company V.O.I.D INDUSTRIES, this marvel of engineering showcases technological advancements that push the boundaries of aerial combat.

The Lance's sleek and aerodynamically optimized missile pods minimizes its radar signature, granting it a formidable stealth capability. Its exterior is coated with radar-absorbing materials, and sharp angles and smooth curves help to deflect incoming radar waves. This reduces the enemy's ability to detect and track the jet, ensuring surprise attacks and enhanced survivability.

One of the Lance's standout features is its 2D thrust vectoring system. This advanced technology allows the aircraft to manipulate the direction of its engine exhaust, providing unprecedented maneuverability and agility. The jet can execute incredibly tight turns, perform rapid changes in direction, and execute complex aerial maneuvers, enabling it to outmaneuver and outgun its adversaries.

The Lance is equipped with a versatile missile pod that houses both air-to-air and anti-ship missiles. The pod carries six anti-air missiles, specifically designed to tackle airborne threats with exceptional precision and range. These missiles employ advanced guidance systems, such as radar homing or infrared seekers, to track and eliminate enemy aircraft effectively.

Additionally, the missile pod contains six anti-ship missiles, designed to neutralize maritime threats. These missiles utilize a combination of radar and inertial guidance systems, allowing them to homing on enemy vessels efficiently. With a range that extends well beyond the horizon, the Lance can engage naval targets with remarkable accuracy, making it a potent force in any airforce.

Some Photos:

•The 1 part hud from @PlanariaLab
•HUD Collection and a Radar (Parts) by @Striderxxl
•The hud from the pigpen

Oh yea forget to type something out. This thing should work in VR. All the switches do have labels

Spent alot of time on this guy. My best build yet!! Alot of firsts lol. Really proud of this one. Loved how well the exhaust turned out! This might be my only build for a while(college :p) so see you in like another month lol. So yea have fun flying this guy and happy building!!


General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 59.9ft (18.3m)
  • Length 88.4ft (26.9m)
  • Height 25.6ft (7.8m)
  • Empty Weight 80,370lbs (36,455kg)
  • Loaded Weight 90,332lbs (40,974kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 13.061
  • Wing Loading 117.3lbs/ft2 (572.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 770.3ft2 (71.6m2)
  • Drag Points 23137


  • Number of Parts 715
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 3,418
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  • Profile image
    1,373 VoidGuardian

    @Zaineman and @INeedANewName wanna give 'er a wirl?? Your reviews will be much appreciated!!

    Pinned 8 months ago
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    177k Zaineman

    I would love to have some coffee ! Hazelnut creamer 🌰 Oh yeah yum Z 😺☕

    +1 6 months ago
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    25.1k ToeTips

    Your welcome, would take it for a spin but it is too much for my device to handle.

    8 months ago
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    1,373 VoidGuardian

    Holy shit I hit silver lesgooooo!!!

    8 months ago
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    1,373 VoidGuardian

    Thanks for the spotlight @Toetips!!!! I appreciate it!!!!!!!

    8 months ago
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    1,373 VoidGuardian

    @Zaineman Thanks for the spotlight and the review!!

    8 months ago
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    177k Zaineman

    I love the start up sequence. Cockpit is sweet too . Z 🤒

    +1 8 months ago