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DLT-4 Submachine Gun

37.2k EliteArsenals24  5.1 years ago

A submachine gun used for stealth purposes.

How to use:

  1. AG1 to activate
  2. VTOL for left/right
  3. TRIM for up/down
  4. Inferno for Single-Burst Shot
  5. Boom 25 for Multi-Burst Shot
  6. Camera for Red-Dot Sight


  1. Red-Dot Sight - An accurate tactical sight.

  2. Vertical/Horizontal Rotation - Slower than usual rotations for precise adjustments.

  3. Realistic Shell Ejection - Releases bullet shells as gun fires.

  4. Single-Burst Shot - An accurate but slow mode of firing used to target ground targets at a short range. (Requires lock-on)

  5. Multi-Burst Shot - A straight and fast mode of firing used to shoot enemies at medium ranges.


  1. Main attachment point is at the base of the weapon, the lowest part which is located at the magazine.
  2. Part count is about 130 parts so it may be laggy to some low-end devices due to stacked parts. (Still, it works smoothly on my low-end device lol)
  3. Multi-Burst Shot doesn't seem to hit targets at short range but can hit targets atleast 1.0 miles and above.
  4. Single-Burst Shot sometimes moves in a wrong direction when shot but this can be countered if you shoot while moving.
  5. The Red-Dot Sight suprisingly works. Just aim the reticle and fire.
  6. The bullet has a specific xml value so if you want it to work properly, do not add another inferno missile with a different value.

Sorry if demos aren't provided this time yet it's quite easy to drag and place.
Color scheme is a bit to dark so I guess this thing won't get too much attention lol.

Well hope you like it!
And as always have fun :)


General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 0.8ft (0.2m)
  • Length 5.2ft (1.6m)
  • Height 2.2ft (0.7m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight N/A


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 64


  • Number of Parts 1
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 1,098
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    @NirvashTec Yeah I noticed the ejection port is quite off its because I'm too lazy to nudge the bullet shells in place lol. There is no trigger so why need a trigger guard lol. Anyways thanks :)

    5.1 years ago
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    21.3k Fumo

    Very nice.
    Though, the ejection port's position and the lack of a trigger guard (which may cause accidental discharges when holstering and unholstering) are a bit of a concern.
    But still, it's a nice concept.

    5.1 years ago
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    @Strikefighter04 it does look like an uzi lol.

    5.1 years ago
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    Reminds me of an UZI

    5.1 years ago