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Sukhoi P - 1 ( Perekhvatchuk-1 )

42.1k Trainzo  3.0 years ago
Auto Credit Based on Trainzo's Object 468

( English version at the bottom of the page )


Au cours de 1957 , le Sukhoi OKB a commencé la construction du prototype d'un nouvel intercepteur à
queue delta , le P-1 à deux places (la lettre préfixe indiquant Perekhvatchik, ou intercepteur) destiné
à répondre à un besoin d'un chasseur équipé d'un radar de collision , et transportant un armement mixte
de missiles guidés et non guidés ainsi que des canons . Volé en 1958, le P-1 avait une aile delta de 57 pouces
avec des bords d'attaque en dents de scie et des prises d'air latérales avec des corps centraux en translation .
La puissance était fournie par un turboréacteur non spécifié avec une poussée maximale de postcombustion de 10 600 kg .
L'armement comprenait une batterie de 50 missiles de fusée de 57 mm à rotation non guidée , un seul canon de 37 mm
et des missiles guidés sur des pylônes sous les ailes . La faible fiabilité du moteur et le retard important dans le développement
du radar à bande X prévu ont conduit à l'arrêt du développement du P-1 à un stade relativement précoce des essais en vol.

-Touche 1 : Moteur .
-Touche 2 : Feux de position .
-Touche 3 : Feux d'atterissage .
-Touche 4 : Aérofreins .
-Touche 5 : Parachute .
-Touche 8 : Blocage direction train avant .

-Puissance >90% pour activer la post-combustion .

-Trim : trim .
-Vtol : volets .

Screens pris sur la map " Olyoma - Thunder Bay " de Jelybaca .

English version :

During 1957, the Sukhoi OKB began construction of the prototype of a new interceptor at
delta tail, the two-seater P-1 (the letter prefix indicating Perekhvatchik, or interceptor) intended
to meet a need for a hunter equipped with a collision radar, and carrying a mixed weaponry
guided and unguided missiles as well as cannons. Stolen in 1958, the P-1 had a 57-inch delta wing
with sawtooth leading edges and side air intakes with translational central bodies.
Power was supplied by an unspecified turbojet with a maximum afterburner thrust of 10,600 kg.
The armament included a battery of 50 unguided spinning 57mm rocket missiles, a single 37mm gun
and guided missiles on pylons under the wings. The low reliability of the engine and the significant delay in development
planned X-band radar led to the cessation of development of the P-1 at a relatively early stage of flight testing.

-Key 1: Motor.
-Key 2: Side lights.
-Key 3: Landing lights.
-Key 4: Airbrakes.
-Key 5: Parachute.
-Key 8: Locking front axle direction.

-Power> 90% to activate post-combustion.

-Trim: trim.
-Vtol: flaps.

Screens taken on the map " Olyoma - Thunder Bay " of Jelybaca .

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Object 468
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 38.0ft (11.6m)
  • Length 64.2ft (19.6m)
  • Height 14.9ft (4.6m)
  • Empty Weight 14,748lbs (6,689kg)
  • Loaded Weight 34,790lbs (15,780kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.968
  • Wing Loading 110.4lbs/ft2 (538.9kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 315.2ft2 (29.3m2)
  • Drag Points 6264


  • Number of Parts 169
  • Control Surfaces 5
  • Performance Cost 726
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    42.1k Trainzo

    @UseGooglePlay , thank you for your upvote .

    3 months ago
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    42.1k Trainzo

    @SKLV95 , thanks for your upvote .

    7 months ago
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    Good Airplane Built

    1.9 years ago
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    Post more @Trainzo @Kiv yep

    2.3 years ago
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    14.0k Kiv

    Good simple

    Edit : So why not making a plane now?

    2.7 years ago
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    23.5k LarryTad

    @Trainzo Anytime! Great build!

    2.8 years ago
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    42.1k Trainzo

    @LarryTad , thanks for your upvote .

    2.8 years ago
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    42.1k Trainzo

    @BogdanX , thank for your upvote .

    2.8 years ago
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    42.1k Trainzo

    @AircraftoftheRedStar , I hope your year is going well .

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    Interests change. Been doing a lot of other things and because of this school year, I have had only a couple hours every day to do games. Been thinking of building airplanes again, but it’s hard when you don’t have a lot of time. @Trainzo

    2.9 years ago
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    42.1k Trainzo

    @AircraftoftheRedStar , You took a break, much like me .

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    42.1k Trainzo

    What happens to you my friend ?

    2.9 years ago
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    You are welcome my good friend. @Trainzo

    2.9 years ago
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    42.1k Trainzo

    @AircraftoftheRedStar , thanks for your upvote .

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    42.1k Trainzo

    @TheRealKronos , thanks for your upvote .

    2.9 years ago
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    2,838 infiniteleak

    np 👍@Trainzo

    2.9 years ago
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    42.1k Trainzo

    @infiniteleak , thanks for your upvote and your comment .

    2.9 years ago
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    2,838 infiniteleak

    This is very well made.

    2.9 years ago
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    40.5k DTMF

    @Trainzo no problem 👍

    2.9 years ago
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    42.1k Trainzo

    @DameTheMobileFriendly , thanks for your upvote .

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    42.1k Trainzo

    @Tang0five , thanks for your upvote bro .

    3.0 years ago
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    42.1k Trainzo

    @Sergio666 , thanks for your upvote .

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    42.1k Trainzo

    @Bersis , thanks for your upvote and your comment .

    3.0 years ago
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    42.1k Trainzo

    @Florida0man , thanks for your upvote .

    3.0 years ago
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    42.1k Trainzo

    @SkylineAero , thanks for your upvote .

    +1 3.0 years ago
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