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Polycam test

59.1k PPLLAANNEE  14 days ago
Version Real objects in SP???? Map

I used an app called Polycam to make 3d models of a ton of random objects and put them in simple planes.

I did mostly plants. All objects have a 100% accurate collider with holes you can fly through. I made way more objects than this but I couldn't include them all because the file size would get even more horrendous than it already is. Its actually less laggy than I expected especially if you turn off realtime reflections. If you fly under the objects and try to go up through them you might either explode or get trapped in the surface. The app I used doesn't make perfectly accurate models especially of thin plant stems which is why some things seem to be floating.

I'll probably use this to create mods in the future like putting real objects as sp parts or making maps out of real areas.
