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BREAKING NEWS: MD-80 Loses Tail After Emergency Landing

15.8k Vidal99977  5.3 years ago

After shortly taking off from Yeager International Airport, the crew of the aircraft heard a loud bang. The bang later resulted in a crack in the fuselage hull, resulting in an emergency landing.

The MD-80 declared emergency and the only airport that was the closest to it's current location was Wright Airport Field, which in fact, had a runway too small to land an MD-80.

Minutes later, the MD-80 was on short final of runway 09 of Wright Airport Field. The plane had to slow down as much as possible in order to land on such a small runway.

As the plane approached runway 09, the plane experienced a stall warning, leading into the plane tipping toward the ground.

The plane landed nose gear first, and then bounced off the runway. Then, the tail section of the MD-80 came off unexpectedly after contact.

The plane later stopped before the rest of the plane's body skidded off the runway. The tail section was left on the runway.

At this time, we can confirm that nobody on board the aircraft has died, but we have some passengers with minor to serious injuries. Though, we do not know what caused the big bang that led to the landing.

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