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What update 1.7 means to people who love dogfights

50.6k ChaMikey  6.8 years ago

I thought I'd write a little something a little different about 1.7 to people who love making combat aircraft and dogfighting.

With the new dogfighting and A.I system, along with Damage models for parts in the game, Dogfighting has been a lot more intense than it was before.

The WW2 dogfight mission is now a lot tougher with the new damage model, A.I script, and the P-51s are now the default P-51s that comes in the game, this means you have to expect a lot of turning engagements, A few suggestions to fight them below :

  • Make a fighter with a very fast turning rate and a couple of guns.
  • Make a fighter with a high top speed (480+mph) and 4+ guns to run away from the enemy, turn around, and force a head on engagement.
  • Make a fighter thats both fast and agile and strap a bloody heck load of guns.

with the new Flare and Chaff addition, means you will no longer need a plane that can pull 20g's to break lock or escape the missile, simply use flares or chaff! but be cautious with using your flares AND launching missiles to enemy who has flares, because you've only got 12 Flare/chaff at your disposal.

Now about getting damaged, Once your engine is set afire, you're gonna lose a lot of thrust (obviously) or in most cases, lose all power and you will stall out, but if your plane has a very good lift and low stall speed, you can still engage your opponent in a turning engagement.
Fuel fires however are a different story, once the fuel is burnt long enough, its gonna blow up.
If you store fuel inside your wings and its set afire, expect to lose that one wing.

Cant wait for 1.7 to go live for these reasons, and you Dogfight nuts are gonna love it!

Cheers people and developers, and thanks for reading!

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    50.6k ChaMikey

    @Mostly that would work unless you're flying a brick like my Ta-152C3 lol, but once the enemy is in your line of shot then he gone, 5 cannons straight to the fuselage, but the thing with the P51 AI is that even if they lose 1 wing they can still fly...

    6.8 years ago
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    31.3k Mostly

    @ChaMikey Strategically speaking, diving and trying to evade is the best option. If the enemy has more speed and power, they are more likely to the the winner of that turn-fight. Evade, dive, then wait until the enemy overshoots and flies in front of you, then open fire.

    6.8 years ago
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    50.6k ChaMikey

    @Thepilot172 running away with no engine power isn't doable at all, might as well put up a fight. If you're fighting at altitude you can dive to gain speed and turn, if you keep diving you will lose altitude and energy that you gained in the dive eventually since you dont have an engine to retain the power. In SP when your engine is damaged, you're dead, you dont get a yellow, red, black damaged engine, you instantly burn. and when the fires gone, so does your power, so again ; might as well put up a fight.

    and thanks for reading!

    6.8 years ago
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    31.3k Mostly

    Added a brach link to this post. This type of information needs to be shared with everyone.

    6.8 years ago
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    Just a little addition:
    You can cover your wings in fuselages to make them more durable. Usefull for bombers and thinks like the hawker typhoon.

    In fact you can also use multiple dispensers and add AGs tho them

    6.8 years ago
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    fact: every dispenser should have 16 uses, as if you look at the rectangles or pods or whatever, there aare 16

    6.8 years ago
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    50.6k ChaMikey

    @ValtsuAircraftIndustries thanks man!

    6.8 years ago
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    50.6k ChaMikey

    And thanks for reading!@General360

    6.8 years ago
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    50.6k ChaMikey

    yeah I upvoted :p Im gonna try your lancaster in a moment to bomb dem flak destroyers.

    6.8 years ago