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A few words I have to share.

5,959 livetoplay11  7.4 years ago

Heroes are not born, they are made by the things they do. Whether it's as small as an idea, or as big a world changing speach. Don't worry what society thinks of you, just believe you can walk on that road I call life. I know society is too judgmental, I've had to deal with it all my life. Whether you think humanity shouldn't exist, or you think we're important to the world, you can still be important. It doesn't matter who you want to be as long as you want to be you. You can help change the world as you, but not as someone else. You can never be truely lost on the road of life, it just keeps forcing you on going till your time is through. If you look for the light you will most likely find it, so keep searching.

I know it's not amazing, but it's all I have to say.