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PEA-Supermaneuvablity Aircrafts (PEA-SM) Including Ace planes

47.5k Rjenteissussy  14 days ago

Part-Efficiency Aircrafts! Post-Stalling Maneuvers collections (with Ace):

A series of Fighter aircraft modified with Post-stalling capabilities.

This aircrafts aren't supposed to spawn automatically, they supposed to be AI dogfighters and playable aircraft.

Wait whats PSM?

PSM a.k.a Post-stall maneuvers. Are special capacity on some special aircraft, they can be found on Russian planes such as Su-30SM, Su-35, Su-37, and Su-57. They actually stall safely and used in airshows, and aerial combat like dogfighting.

Soooooo this modified planes aren't now a PEA class aircrafts because of the part count and its performance cost (some of them).

This planes are manually or automatically PSM activation

Starting on the first PEA-SM planes:

Other future PEA-SM aircraft will be added automatically here.