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Why I’m I so dead?

1,001 PilotAlex1010  19 days ago

I mean I never was really “popular” but I’ve been here since 2023, and that’s only in! I played simple planes when I was 5 and still play to this day. But ppl here joined like 9 months ago and now have like obsidian plaks! And I know it’s not because I’m just bad at making planes, with my F-58 Night Howler, it only got like 50 downloads. And others are getting hundreds for posting like something that took 5 mins to make! No, this is not a complaint. It’s just a question.

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    Ok thanks y’all for the advice also WHY ALL OBSIDIAN PLAKS UP VOTE LOL —>

    Pinned 18 days ago
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    @Majakalona Wait you should so more ppl know more to get more points!

    +1 18 days ago
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    Relatable I really dislike the fact that the most upvoted build on my account I only added smoke trails to it and then a build I fixed and then a meme build

    18 days ago
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    28.0k Graingy

    @TheMouse and @SILVERPANZER are right on.
    To use my own account as an example, for almost 5 years (granted, that included several hiatuses including a 1.5 year long one) it was only a Bronze.
    Then Silver was hit. Then Gold.
    Now it’s Platinum.
    I have over 150 followers, but the account is so old that it’s guaranteed that many of those are inactive.
    I also have a clear brand. I run the official Graingy account, and many know me as the resident grain of Martian sand. I’m acquainted with a few other notable players, so we can bounce off each other, so to speak.
    Point is, it can take time to build up momentum. It’s important to distinguish yourself from being just another player too. Have a personality, basically. Don’t be boring.
    I’ve reached the point where I can put out almost any schlock and it’ll get upvotes, maybe even spotlights.
    I’m not super happy with this state of affairs, but it’s just where things are.
    I may be a platinum in points but I am definitely not in spirit. Keep banging yourself against that wall and eventually you’re bound to reach where I have, just maybe a fair bit more skilled.
    Good winds

    +1 19 days ago
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    34.1k Majakalona

    maybe I should spotlight!

    19 days ago
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    33.8k TheMouse

    You are exactly right.

    19 days ago
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    You need a certain style and brand to make it recognizable, also answer in comments on the topic, create forums and help players.

    +3 19 days ago
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    33.8k TheMouse

    It takes a lot of work to get followers. Get followers, and it is easy to get points.
    Also, make meme builds.

    +3 19 days ago