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[Monarchii War] What happened to TUPL weapons after the M-War?

30.1k TheUltimatePlaneLover  one month ago

Now that the Monarchii War is officially over (in fact this may be the very last article to ever be posted circling the M-War), it's time to ask what actually happened to TheUltimatePlaneLover's weapons after the M-War was finished?
It's time we know.

Most weapons of the MGLA suffered the same fate following the M-War: precisely nothing. Any MGLA vehicles that weren't destroyed during the M-War sort of just exist and lie in wait for the next battle. Of course, there were some exceptions though.
The main exception being the A-40Bs. Although the war is over, the MGLA continues to operate under the new (unofficial) name, MDaA (Mouse Defenders and Allies). As such, the A-40Bs have been brought out of their hiding, and are now on full force defending the Yeager Base.
Secondly is the B-29s, most of them were personally sent to TUPL who plans to upgrade them before letting them return to service. However, rumor has it that he plans to make a jet version of the B-29 that has doom lasers and missiles, but that's just a theory. A GAME THEORRYYYYYYYY

OK, back to business, the MiG-125s exist. Uh...

Aaaaand now the part you were waiting for, the NMR. Most of them took a short break, but have returned to the frontlines to fight in the new Siren War, Takusha leading the charge as usual. However, Ivan and Cy have chosen to finish some business, and hunted down the Thermonuclear Psychopath. I'll talk about that later.

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    @Speedhunter Only time will tell... only time will tell...

    +1 one month ago
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    35.4k Speedhunter

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover We are not sure about that

    +1 one month ago
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    @Speedhunter Ah ok
    Fr tho are they gonna try to adopt Takusha or will they juke the bonk stick one more day?

    +1 one month ago
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    35.4k Speedhunter

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover well Sirens are highly advanced entities that invaded AZL's earth and is at war with humanity. Also they are obsessed with experimenting on timelines and the like. They also have abilities to jump between dimensions. This article delves more on types (TW: images) and their lore is plastered all over game events and I havent played it in 2 or so years

    +1 one month ago
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    Out of curiosity though, I know about this much about Azur Lane, why are they called Sirens and what is their lore?
    And most importantly would they try to adopt Takusha? Because if they do then I will solo all of them

    +1 one month ago
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    35.4k Speedhunter

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover Yes Shipgirls are cuter


    All it takes is one search of the Sirens from AZL (they arent safe to even be displayed on the site)

    one month ago
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    @Speedhunter Why not? Then I'd finally have a reason to- I'm not gonna finish that sentence
    However, I was told that shipgirls can defeat the Sirens so if everyone's a shipgirl, the only issue is that it's 50x cuter, correct?

    +1 one month ago
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    35.4k Speedhunter


    also yeah, but coastal bombardment can only strike so deep into the coast

    +1 one month ago
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    @Monarchii Watch Ivan turn everyone in the entire Siren War into ship/planegirls including himself... Wait.

    @Speedhunter soooooo why not try an airstrike or coastal artillery on them? I have a coastal defense gun that literally summons a black hole right over the USSR- I mean USS Beast

    +1 one month ago
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    35.4k Speedhunter

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover yes.... No tanks, best they can do for an inland assault is teleport their ships above the target and let gravity do the rest

    one month ago
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    35.4k Speedhunter

    @Monarchii Alright me stop now me promise 🙏

    +1 one month ago
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    52.8k Monarchii

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover ...why does that not comfort me, YOURE GONNA MAKE THEM HEADPATABLE CUTE

    one month ago
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    52.8k Monarchii

    @Speedhunter STOP SLANDERING HER

    +1 one month ago
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    @Speedhunter Takusha noises
    No tanks??

    +1 one month ago
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    35.4k Speedhunter

    @LunarEclipseSP The only ship that has integrated Siren technology is the MRNS Warspite (Railgun Warspite)... The Dan Salvadorians and TFM will take care of completing the retrofit for the DSN fleet as they also fight against the Sirens.

    @Monarchii I did a bit of lore adjustment for the BattlePeps- I mean Warspite since the Monarchii disappeared before the retrofit is accomplished

    Also Sirens have like... No tanks

    +3 one month ago
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    @Monarchii Ivan will turn them to even Shippergirlers

    +1 one month ago
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    52.8k Monarchii

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover that literally the opposite of what we want lmao, now they have the extra advantage of mass-produced Shipgirls XD

    +1 one month ago
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    @Monarchii NMR vs Sirens? It’s a good idea, the only issue being that the NMR is more likely to team with the Sirens than trying to fight them. If they did however, Takusha would just airdrop Ivan onto them and he’d turn them all back into their Shipgirl forms, for better or worse? We can’t say.

    +1 one month ago
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    52.8k Monarchii

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover c'mon, be creative... NMR are sentient equipments right~? what if...

    +1 one month ago
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    @Monarchii well, if you put it that way, then it all makes sense now lol
    But to be fair, Siren Shipgirl vs Normal Shipgirl could be the same as Siren Ship vs Normak Ship, so with this in mind, they could be defeated right?
    And if accuracy doesn’t work, SPRAY N PRAY!

    one month ago
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    52.8k Monarchii

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover @LunarEclipseSP for convenience, I'll sum it up very short; although based on real life, MRNS Yamato along with her sisters are let us say the equivalent of that to the Iowa-class Battleships, MRNS Yamato had a mid-life refit that turned her into a fully modern ship but at the expense of a very great economical cost, thus, Musashi and Shinano was kept as-is, in another words, Mothballed/Museumed, however, Yamato is not the only Battleship in service within the Royal Navy(atleast, if counted official battleships, because the Monarchii classifies a battleship as "a ship above 30.000t displacement unable to break through the 30 knots threshold" while one that can was classified as a Battlecruiser), in this case, maybe youve heard of her once or twice but if you remember, I authorized the recommissioning of a battleship called MRNS Hollierre(imagine HMS Vanguard, now imagine it is modern and with a guided rocket artillery), of which to shorten it also, is a much newer battleship the Royal Navy decided to refit after the Yamato during the 70s(a.k.a during the Old World War), the recommissioning itself placed Holliere as the 15th fleet Flagship(flagships of each fleet; 1st fleet(Yamato), 2-3rd Fleet(Modern Aircraft Carrier), 4-5th Fleet(less Modern but still proper Aircraft Carriers), 6-11th Fleet(Aircraft-Carrying Battlecruiser), 12-14th Fleet(Battlecruiser)), in short; Yamato is the only ship of her class to get a refit, while her sisters didn't get the joy of getting one

    P.S. I'm willing to alter the story so it's convenient for you, e.g. the new MDaA-captured Monarchii Territory just happens to be where the Musashi was docked, such and so.

    quite sadly, I agree with Noname, Sirens are very powerful; within Azur Lane, only Shipgirls can stand toe-to-toe with them because of one thing, Coordination, a ship even if well trained will never become a single entity; this leads pretty much to something like the Victory Belles(another Shipgirl game) to which the normal Warships cannot fight the enemy because of their slow coordination; so the most likely thing to happen is... the Siren slowly pushing humanity to land, a.k.a basically Arpeggio of Blue Steel(a Shipgirl anime) which a superior alien ships destroying any Navy as easy as flipping a flapjack(which you can still fwk up, but typically you succeed)

    gee, long tangent lmao

    +1 one month ago
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    @Noname918181818181818181 Hmm true. I wonder what happens if I put a single A-40B in their airspace- oh and ignore those comments buried down there about the B-29, I'm a totally sane Superfortres Simp :3

    @LunarEclipseSP That's fair lol

    +1 one month ago
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    Anyways, B-29

    one month ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover ask @Monarchii directly about it then. Because i literally had no idea

    one month ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover honestly, I don't think the numbers would matter as much. The invincible fleet is large, but according to a report by SpeedHunter, they possess self healing technology inside of their ships. Besides, it's likely that there was a large fleet of sirens that destroyed the invincible fleet anyways
    They are a dimension hopping civilization after all, they should have plenty of ships at their disposal

    +1 one month ago
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