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28 December 20XX [GOLD Teaser]

8,719 SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore  6 months ago

... As fire... hell engulfed Avelo, Vorskleir main capital, two pilots can be seen flying in the skies, a faceless soldier and a student.

The fire burns everything down as BGH-70 strikes down upon Avelo, Civilian casualties rises as fire turns the sky bright orange. It left the student speechless as he watch helplessly, what was once an epic battle between two aces, just stopped as he saw his Nation crumbling apart on his very own eyes, there's nothing he can do.

Conversation can be heard on the sky, it's from the failed student speaking by himself.

"Vorskleir, my devotion to my country is absolute. I have never strayed from the will of nation, but a faceless soldier... It's-"

However, his Nemesis, a faceless soldier, has already left. He was left alone by himself

"Impossible... Failure... Unspeakable... Failure... Failure..."

The so called Guardian of Vorskleir weep, as he saw his own men, wingmen, and citizen got killed by mere seconds. It's all because... Of a skilled killing machine... Unstoppable... Soldier... And their wingmen.

He stopped weeping on his COFFIN cockpit, and decided to return to base, helpless. He will assure to himself that he, will bring pain, and justice to however did this to his country and people. Now without a purpose and his own nation in shambles, he modify his own aircraft in secret. One day, he'll make sure he come back to those squadron... And they. Will.


Gold special build coming soon