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Snowstone Gazette (20 Jun 2023)

8,466 SamuelJamesCastor  11 months ago



Snowstone witnessed a significant development yesterday as Chief Minister² Sekana Lang took the unprecedented step of proroguing the Snowstone Assembly and transferring powers to the Commissioner of the SNC and the leadership team. This decision was made in response to the escalating riots that have engulfed the city following the recent arrests of several members of the notorious Lefantchi Crime Family.
During a press conference held at the Chief Minister's Office, the decision was announced as an urgent measure to restore law and order by granting the SNC the authority to quell the riots. Chief Minister Lang emphasized the need to ensure peace and security for all Snowstone residents.
"The riots have caused extensive damage to our city, and it is our duty to restore peace and security for the citizens of Snowstone," Chief Minister Lang stated. "They have been entrusted with the necessary resources and expertise to effectively handle this crisis."
While the prorogation of the Assembly has elicited a range of reactions from Snowstone's citizens, concerns regarding the concentration of power and potential abuses have been promptly addressed by Commissioner Joseph Kai Yao Sip. He unequivocally debunked accusations of political manipulation and infringement upon civil liberties raised by supporters of the recently-arrested Lefantchi Crime Family, citing specific laws and regulations.
"These allegations are entirely baseless and misleading. The proroguing of the Assembly is a temporary measure aimed at swiftly addressing the immediate threat to public safety," Commissioner Kai clarified. "The actions taken by us are fully in compliance with the Snowstone Basic Law, the Aid to the Civil Power Act of 1980, and established protocols governing crisis situations."
Supporters of the Lefantchi Crime Family, including some teenagers sympathetic to their cause, expressed their discontent with the Chief Minister's decision. They viewed the move as an intentional attempt to weaken the criminal organization.
In a statement, a teenage supporter of the Lefantchi family, who wished to remain anonymous, said, "This is a blatant violation of our democratic rights. The Chief Minister is using the riots as an excuse to crush our voice and undermine our cause. We demand justice for the Lefantchis and a fair investigation into their arrests."
Conversely, many Snowstone residents welcomed the Chief Minister's decision, expressing hope that it would bring an end to the violence and restore peace in their city.
In response to concerns about the tactics employed by the Snowstone National Constabulary (SNC) to police the riots, Commissioner Kai provided a detailed overview of the measures they would be utilizing. These include:
1. Flak Jackets: Officers will be equipped with flak jackets to protect themselves from potential threats and projectiles during the riots.
2. Armored Vans: The SNC will deploy armored vans to enhance mobility and provide increased protection for officers while responding to incidents.
3. Baton Rounds: Baton rounds, a less-lethal form of ammunition, may be used by the SNC to disperse crowds and maintain control in volatile situations.
4. CS Gas: The SNC may utilize CS gas, a type of tear gas, to disperse and control rioting crowds.
5. Assault Rifles and Submachine Guns: SNC officers may be armed with assault rifles and submachine guns to ensure public safety and defend against armed threats if necessary.

In response to the use of these tactics and equipment, the leadership team of the SNC issued a statement, expressing their commitment to maintaining public order and safeguarding the well-being of Snowstone's residents. They emphasized that the utilization of these tools was in line with established protocols and aimed at restoring peace.


In the wake of the arrest of the notorious Lefantchi Crime Family, teenage supporters of the criminal organization took to the streets, expressing their anger and frustration. However, their unconventional method of protest, which involved gluing themselves to various streets, has drawn the ire of the Snowstone Utility Service (SUS), leading to their removal and subsequent disappointment among the young demonstrators.
Following a lengthy investigation, law enforcement agencies successfully apprehended key members of the Lefantchi Crime Family, a notorious syndicate known for their illicit activities. The arrests sent shockwaves throughout the city, as residents rejoiced at the prospect of a safer and more secure Snowstone.
However, a group of teenage supporters, known for their misguided admiration of the criminal organization, decided to stage a protest against the arrests. Taking to the streets, they glued themselves to pavements, buildings, and public spaces, causing disruption to the normal flow of the city.
The Snowstone Utility Service, responsible for maintaining the city's infrastructure, swiftly responded to the situation, considering it a potential safety hazard. Equipped with the necessary tools and expertise, SUS workers began the arduous task of removing the glued protesters from the streets, using a combination of specialized solvents and careful techniques.
As the protesters were gently liberated from their adhesive constraints, the teenage supporters became increasingly irate. Shouts of discontent echoed through the air as the Snowstone Utility Service carried out their duties. One young protester, who wished to remain anonymous, expressed their frustration, stating, "They can't just remove us like this! We're standing up for what we believe in! Free the Lefantchis!
The Snowstone Utility Service defended their actions, emphasizing the importance of maintaining public safety and order. Benjamin Thompson, the spokesperson for SUS, explained, "While we respect the right to peaceful protest, it is imperative that we prioritize the safety and well-being of all citizens. The removal of the protesters was necessary to prevent accidents and ensure the smooth functioning of our city."


In a bold move to confront the supernatural forces that haunt the streets and to investigate "possessions", the SNC has created a specialized unit to deal with paranormal activities. Drawing inspiration from British Army regiments, the newly formed unit has been christened "The Spectral Guards."
Led by Chief Inspector Reginald Hargreaves, The Spectral Guards comprises a team of highly trained officers who possess a unique blend of traditional law enforcement skills and an in-depth understanding of the paranormal. The unit also includes doctors from the extremely-awarded Kollegidok College, with some of them being mental health workers to investigate what actually happened.
"It is our duty to protect the citizens of Snowstone from all threats, including those that lurk beyond the realm of normalcy," Chief Inspector Hargreaves stated during a press conference. "The Spectral Guards will harness both their specialized knowledge and advanced investigative techniques to combat the supernatural forces that pose a risk to our community."
While the formation of The Spectral Guards has been hailed as a groundbreaking initiative by many, it has not escaped criticism. Despite such ridicule, the public response to the establishment of The Spectral Guards has been largely positive. Citizens have expressed relief that the SNC is taking proactive steps to tackle paranormal disturbances and to explain what sort of stuff that have actually plagued the city for years. Local resident Martha Hawthorne said, "I've seen some strange things around here, but it's comforting to know that there's a dedicated unit ready to face these supernatural challenges head-on."
Just seconds after their formation, the Spectral Guards were thrust into their first case. Reports flooded the SNC hotline about a haunted manor located on the outskirts of Snowstone City. Witnesses claimed to have seen ethereal apparitions and experienced chilling encounters within the house's walls. The situation had escalated rapidly, with terrified neighbors requesting immediate intervention.
Without hesitation, Chief Inspector Hargreaves and his team sprang into action. Equipped with a range of specialized equipment and armed with their extensive training, they swiftly arrived at the scene. With nerves of steel, they explored the eerie mansion, uncovering hidden passageways and deciphering enigmatic symbols.
After hours of careful investigation, The Spectral Guards successfully unraveled the mysteries plaguing the manor. It turned out that the supernatural occurrences were the result of an elaborate hoax orchestrated by a disgruntled former owner seeking revenge.
Their swift resolution of the case brought a sense of relief to both the neighborhood and the SNC. Chief Inspector Hargreaves praised his team's professionalism, stating, "The success of this operation demonstrates the efficacy of the Spectral Guards and their ability to confront paranormal activities head-on."


In an unforeseen twist of fate, a capybara family found themselves at the center of a comical incident when they accidentally charged into a large group of teenage supporters of the recently arrested Lefantchi Crime Family. The chaotic encounter left the supporters bewildered and led to some hilariously misguided accusations that the capybaras were hired by the Snowstone National Constabulary's (SNC) Special Branch.
The capybara family, known for their gentle nature and laid-back demeanor, were enjoying a leisurely stroll near Snowstone Park when a swarm of enthusiastic teenage supporters, led by their self-proclaimed "Donna da Crime" Carmela "The Claw" Linguini, gathered nearby. As fate would have it, a sudden commotion sent the capybaras into a frenzy, causing them to charge towards the crowd.
The supporters, caught off guard by the unexpected capybara stampede, let out startled shrieks as they were sent sprawling in every direction. Confusion mingled with outrage as they struggled to make sense of what had just transpired. Amidst the chaos, a few supporters, nursing their bruised egos, began hurling irate statements, convinced that the capybaras were part of an elaborate plan orchestrated by the SNC's Special Branch.
Carmela "The Claw" Linguini shouted, "Those sneaky SNC Special Branch rats! They've sent their furry minions after us! We won't be intimidated!"
Another supporter, known as Sofia "Sly Vixen" Falcone, added, "You think you can take us down with your capybara army? We'll show you who's in charge!"
Meanwhile, SNC Officer Inspector Dickson Gospodinša happened to be in the vicinity when the capybara chaos ensued. With a smirk on his face, he approached the disheveled supporters and attempted to calm the situation.
"These capybaras are simply innocent bystanders caught up in the moment," Inspector Gospodinša said, stifling a chuckle. "I assure you, the SNC Special Branch hasn't resorted to using furry reinforcements...yet!"
With the tension diffused and smiles replacing scowls, the capybara family peacefully continued their stroll, their unintentional moment of glory etched into Snowstone's history.
Commissioner Joseph Kai Yao Sip, still in his sleepwear in a press conference, decided to give the capybaras the rank of Constable and the Order of the Cardboard Box.

Casualty Report

National Frontline Services³

Dead: 50
Injured: 37

LCF Supporters4

Dead: 1
Injured: 64


Dead: 246
Injured: 100



It's a sunny day, with temperatures reaching around 30°C. No precipitation was recorded, and the wind is blowing normally.


Same thing as today.

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    ¹ Proroguing is the act of cancelling the Assembly's session without dissolving it.
    ² The Chief Minister is the head of the city-state of Snowstone.
    ³ The National Frontline Services includes the Snowstone National Constabulary, the Snowstone Fire and Rescue Service, the Snowstone National Health Bureau, the Snowstone Utility Service, etc.
    ⁴ Includes civilian collaborators

    Pinned 11 months ago
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    I Don't know why but I haven't received the notification.
    Maybe is having issues again

    11 months ago
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    @DatRoadTrainGuy19 Still reporting gang raids and yodelers luring crocodiles for centuries!
    –Johanna Martensakka, Editor in Chief of the Snowstone Gazette

    +2 11 months ago
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    Ey! This Is Some Nice Stuff You Pump Out! Keep improving mate!

    +2 11 months ago
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    Honorable Mentions:

    11 months ago