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my suggestions for what would be great in a SimplePlanes Update

7,286 TASTEinc  1.1 years ago

These are suggestions nothing is serious

  1. new islands Once you discover everything the game gets boring and not much to do except build and fly new craft but even then not much to do with them except easy challenges, and fly around aimlessly. There is Maywar island and the Kraken which are PC exclusive
    2.ingame map editor, but you can just install the mod, an in-game map creator will be useful if there is no new islands or stuff the player can create their own
    3.New structures add new areas such as cities to the map, there is already a town on Maywar which again PC exclusive
    4.Radars, which could be a part that can controls missiles, maybe with it we can use electronic jammers to stop lock on with missiles
    5.underwater camera i mean there is a Mod for that, players build submarines and stuff, it would be cool for the camera to follow the craft
    6.tracks, ThErE iS a MoD fOr ThAt, add tracks because, if there are cannons, people will try to make tanks
    7.multiplayer compatibility, It would be awesome for multiplayer to come with the game maybe it is a LAN or online multiplayer it would be a way to advertise builds
    8.make new challenges/modes, create modes, this could be as simple as flying from point A to Point B. on PC the water is transparent, but newer tablets and smartphones are powerful enough to run more complex graphics. Some tablets have 4k quality pictures, which surely can run some transparent water.
    10.better A.I ability, it would be a good feature to customize what aircraft spawn in, say i spawn in as a ww2 fighter, i want to disable op jets from spawning, the AI should learn to avoid obstacles, which can add to a more thrilling dogfighting experience

I know Jundroo may not do any of these but this is what i think could be in an update

Meme for fun

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    7,286 TASTEinc

    @winterro another thing is to make an advanced fuselage blocks i could explain if you want

    1.1 years ago
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    90.5k winterro

    Why not make gates at airports useable?

    By adding a fusalage block that can hold passengers and working doors, it doesn’t need to be complex, but more just like the landinggear doors. Then you actually have something to do with the passenger planes.

    This could then also tie in to a career mode update, if your previous passenger planes fly good, you are able to build bigger planes on the performance of the last one.

    +1 1.1 years ago
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    578 froge

    It would be AMAZING if they added multiplayer without mods (even though I sometimes use a Mac it doesn’t matter because I don’t know how to download mods)

    +1 1.1 years ago
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    +1 1.1 years ago
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    10.4k DeadlyDialga

    New islands would definitely be great. It definitely does get boring flying between Wright and Yeager over and over…

    +3 1.1 years ago
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    7,286 TASTEinc

    @HuskyDynamics01 about the radars, maybe there is an ability to expand the lock on ability, which would make more sense than programming missiles to have a bigger/smaller lock on range.

    sorry for pinging you a lot :/

    1.1 years ago
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    7,286 TASTEinc

    @HuskyDynamics01 if Jundroo has these sales on SimplePlanes and Juno new origins, and partner with space agencies, surely has a budget to open online servers

    1.1 years ago
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    7,286 TASTEinc

    @HuskyDynamics01 i mean it costs money for any game to run multiplayer, Cod for example spends $150 a month to keep their servers open.

    1.1 years ago
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    1. A new island/archipelago would be great, though the only place I could really see them putting it would be somewhere south of Sky Park City (Maywar and the Kraken are to the east of Wright/Krakabloa, Snowstone is to the north, and the Brown Pearl kind of requires open sea to the west). Sky Park is close enough to Wright that I could see them adding another island beyond it without too much trouble.
    2. Maybe, but I don't think it's super likely. It would be a neat thing to add, but the complexity required to do so might be infeasible.
    3. I'd love a new town or two, though I think they'd go best on a new island rather than being added to existing places. Maybe a few smaller structures scattered around, though. That being said, there's a fine line between feeling-empty-because-there-aren't-buildings and feeling-empty-because-there-aren't-people, and I really don't see them adding NPCs at any point in the future.
    4. Some sort of radar/ECM systems for manually guiding missiles would be really cool, yeah.
    5. Yes (except for the fact that there's a noticeable cutoff around each of the islands where the land mesh ends, so it wouldn't be a very "clean" implementation unless they decided to add seafloor to the entire map)
    6. Please yes. Better yet, make a few updates and QoL changes to the existing Tracks 2 mod and package it in the game like Overload and FineTuner so existing builds with tracks still work.
    7. Problem with official online multiplayer is that it requires money to constantly run servers, which means they will eventually shut down at some point in the future. LAN could possibly work though. The other issue is the same one faced by the existing MP mod, which is that some things (i.e. guns, engine animations, etc.) are exclusively client-side, and don't show up for others. Not sure if that's something that could be easily changed.
    8. YES. I want to do more things!
    9. I could see that being a thing, yeah. They already brought image effects (i.e. ouch the sun is really bright) over to mobile several years ago (As an aside, the display resolution quality doesn't have anything to do with whether a device can run it; that's on the graphics processing power)
    10. AI parameters (spawn only prop engine planes, etc.) would be excellent! Also, more generic "simple" planes to spawn as AI, but that take advantage of the newer parts and techniques, would be nice as well.
    +2 1.1 years ago