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Yeager XYZ coordinate map v1 (Yeager to Bandit route + detailed Yeager airport coord map. Longitude, altitude and latitude)

25.3k Kendog84  1.3 years ago

Heyo, FT wizards, and non FT wizards out there (and non FT wizard wizards)
It's me, your resident guy-who-is- guy. This time I have with me a nice, kinda incomplete coord map of Yeager island/valley. The route from Bandit to Yeager, or vice versa... as well as slightly updated Yeager airport coords maps.
Enjoy. And don't ask me to make another, else I'll write your user name on my list of people who make too many requests (one counts as two many... get it?). Seriously, please don't. If you want to get coords, either do it yourself or wait for me to feel like doing it. But if you are willing to record coords yourself, you are in a luck! We have perfect tool for that. More on that later.

Yeager-Bandit valley route

Yeager Airport

Yeager Airport North End (hanger area)

Bandit-Yeag route was charted with this vehicle

Motorized version of LOD-fied version of ZSU-23-4 by MysteryTimeTraveler


Automatic XYZ coords recorder Mk1

Do you need a tool to chart the route you take? Or just CRAVING to know the path USS Beast sails... in XYZ coords format? Then this is JUST FOR YOU!

Tool for charting, records up to 40 sets of XYZ coords based on timer. Recording interval can be changed. Might be useful for autopilot coding (especially for landing sequence)
XYZ (longitude, altitude, latitude) coord label
My previous coord map post (Wright airport)

Also, check out (if you haven't)...

My bomb explosion radius tester Blast-o-meter 2000
And this long comment I wrote on SimpleCheats II page about how cannon damage works (might work)

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    25.3k Kendog84

    Yeah. The same can be applied to sea traffic too (if the existing one doesn't work like that already). And if it's a battleship with working auto-aim and all that, you already have a more-realistic naval battle there. (Really need an option to set teams for AI and yourself, instead of just "Default" or "Aggressive")
    It may even work with air traffic, if auto landing/taxing can be done on the mod side (can be done via FT too). I dunno what exactly mod can do in the game, but it's possible even without mods. People have made autoland capable autopilot FT, just need to make them auto taxi

    1.3 years ago
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    25.3k Kendog84

    Here's an example, by 11qazxc. I'm not exactly sure how the ft on this works myself yet, but replacing the appropriate coords on the truck will make it able to drive from Bandit to Yeager or vice versa

    1.3 years ago
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    10.1k Sparky6004

    This sort of location X Y Z system may literally be able to work with modding traffic
    This is kinda incredible
    You could have a map with proper roads and use the X Y Z position to model traffic, to follow those coords with new models instead of the old, stupid looking fuel trucks and AA tank

    +1 1.3 years ago
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    90.4k winterro

    One problem, i realy have no clue what to do to even make it work

    1.3 years ago
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    90.4k winterro


    +1 1.3 years ago
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    25.3k Kendog84

    Oh no, I wouldn't know what do do if that were to happen! That would be an incredibly effective and funny prank! Please plz don't do it @Jandrew! wink

    1.3 years ago
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    25.3k Kendog84

    Glad you liked it!:) Yeah, exactly what I was thinking, would really love to see (more) autoland + auto taxi FT done.
    This thing (below) might also come in handy for landing approach coding, though, now that I think about it, I probably should've added speedometer as well.

    1.3 years ago
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    42.7k rexzion

    @wnp80.7 plese make new map and make theses coordinates obsolete !!! (as a prank)

    +2 1.3 years ago
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    Thanks! This will prove to be incredibly useful for making automatic landing and taxing, including the "we have kai tak at home" approach at yeager.

    +3 1.3 years ago