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[QUESTION] Edge of the world in sp?

3,323 JustWingIt  1.6 years ago

I know simpleplane's sky and ocean is pretty much infinite, but I'm wondering if there is a certain height or distance from the islands where the game just doesn't even work anymore/crashes.

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    It seems I have proved myself wrong. The last time I used extreme speed to gain altitude, it crashed my phone. Today, I have accomplished 1 billion meters with extreme speed.

    +1 10 months ago
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    I spend way too much time in single player.
    You're welcome for my wasted time.

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    3,323 JustWingIt

    @ColonelCanada Thanks for the info btw

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    3,323 JustWingIt

    @ColonelCanada Huh. I wonder if there is a way to trick the game into thinking you are using a different camera.

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    No, it follows whichever camera the player is using.
    I think.
    I don't know.
    All I know is if you use a missile truck with a controllable missile and fire it towards the water, the water will follow the missile. The vehicle the missile was launched from still stays on a loaded in island, so I just wonder if its something to do with cameras.

    And yes, it is usually the speed the crashes the game. The height you're at just helps with it because the game doesn't know what to do.
    I've never broken the game going a comfortable speed while trillions of meters in the air, but it could be possible.
    Who knows, devs have said before this game uses an old Unity software. Unity games are often incredibly easy to break...and I've proven that.

    +3 1.6 years ago
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    3,323 JustWingIt

    @ColonelCanada That makes sense with the water. But does it follow the cockpit of the plane? Because if so, it may be possible to get a camera beyond the horizon of generation. With height, do you have a specific altitudie at which the game breaks? Is it the speed that crashes the game or the height?

    +2 1.6 years ago
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    Distance? No.
    The water follows you, the islands are just something that loads in when you get near.
    Height, yes its been proven that a certain height can make you crash but that was achieved with extreme speed.
    Without insane speed, it would probably go on forever.

    +5 1.6 years ago