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I’m not dead…

5,744 Timplanes  1.9 years ago

About a month ago I got burnt out from building. I made teasers and said that I would release a couple of planes a while back, but didn’t. Here’s where I am now.
I am glad to say that I have resumed work on my improved Sprint-20 turboprop. I will also be more active on the SP site. The main features of the Sprint plane will be a cockpit with dozens of working buttons/levers, a basic autopilot, and a detailed cabin. The plane itself is now nearly complete, there’s mostly funkytrees to edit and detail work.

Release date: Mid July, exact date TBA

Also, if anyone has ideas for a livery (cargo or airliner), comment below.

link to old teaser

EDIT 2/18/23: The Sprint-20 has no planned release date.