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Activate on part health

10.3k VisionAviation  2.1 years ago


Is there a way to activate an input based on the health of a specific part? What I want to create is a engine failure light.

So, one of my engines has part ID 5720. So something like "ID5720(Health<0.1)"? I tried some stuff but couldn;t get it to work.

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    26.5k Bryan5

    @Maxnovet Stop Scamming !

    1.2 years ago
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    85.3k ReinMcDeer

    There is no variable for the health of specific parts, but that sounds like a good suggestion. Jundroo did say they would expand upon part variables in the future though.

    +5 2.1 years ago
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    11.5k JesusChrist

    No, but maybe you could try using the engine thrust as the input.

    +2 2.1 years ago
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    @Aviator01 Doesn't work unfortunately. I think because it takes the total average health of the aircraft. Also, I have 4 engines and 4 lights, 1 for each engine. So if only one engine would be broken, all lights would turn on.

    Thanks for the suggestion though!

    +2 2.1 years ago
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    14.0k Aviator01

    Maybe just put Health<0.1 as the input?

    +1 2.1 years ago