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Question about the A4E Skyhawk

121k AWESOMENESS360  2.5 years ago

Ok so it’s not actually a question about the aircraft but there’s a video I’ve seen of one where it flies overhead the camera man, they look like they’re on a boat but I’m not entirely sure. It flies overhead and the bluenote it makes sounds like a TIE Fighter on steroids. I’ve seen this video once a while ago and I’ve been trying to find it since, if this sounds familiar at all can someone in anyway possible link me to the video? I saw it on Instagram if that helps, although I imagine it’s floating around other media too. No it wasn’t a SU-57, no it wasn’t a Hawker Hunter. I’m 99% sure it was a Skyhawk, and it sounded like a TIE Fighter when it flew overhead.

I know this is a very specific and/or niche request but it would be awesome to see that video again!

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    I’ve been looking for this video ever since I lost it and I haven’t found anything

    Pinned 2.5 years ago
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    That seems about right…. F-16s that fly over my house sound like X-wings, and I’ve heard them sound like them

    2.4 years ago