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Programme - (Wunderwaffe 1947-1951)

153k RussianAce  2.6 years ago

Categorically welcome.
  • I would like to say straight away that this post is a teaser for some of the crafts I'm currently working on. I should point out right away that not everything I do now may ever come out, as I've lost interest in it or found something much cooler.

 Tank: (Panzerkampfwagen PzKpfw VI Ausf.S)

  • At the moment there is a possibility of freezing this project, as I'm still mostly using my own crafts in roll-play games, and I need to think things through carefully. Especially the fact that I made a big mistake in my calculations and the tank hull will need a lot of rework, which is an extra few days.

 Aircraft: Focke-Wulf (J.011-46)

  • Temporarily frozen for the time being, as I don't have much inspiration to continue working on this plane. Maybe I will release it at some point.
    Especially when this aircraft became a (test base) for new features I applied in my fighter (Messerschmitt Me.1101)

 Aircraft: R2Y4 Keiun-Kai

  • Also frozen for the time being. The reason for freezing this project is quite amusing, namely that my German roots hit me over the head again and I decided to make a German wunderwaffe again. But there is a good chance that I will definitely try to complete this plane.

In other news:

  • At the moment I have a lot of plans primarily for the tank part, as I really hope that the new season of the roll-play game I'm involved in will take place during the 1940s, and at this point in time I need to close quite a gap in some of the vehicle classes.

  • Also, at the moment I have a lot of plans for some sort of aviation, mainly multi-purpose aircraft that might be able to destroy fighters or bombers and ground targets, rather than some sort of narrowly targeted aircraft that is only good for destroying bombers or ships.

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    153k RussianAce

    This comment I'm securing for those who are really interested in my activities and future fate or intended crafts.

    This commentary will be updated periodically.

    R2Y4 Keiun-Kai - frozen

    Focke-Wulf (J.011-46) - frozen

    (Panzerkampfwagen PzKpfw VI Ausf.S) - active

    Pinned 2.6 years ago
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    16.9k FlirBlitz


    2.6 years ago
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    2.6 years ago
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    12.0k dINE

    I already like your older builds, but with the sp update they are even better :) i like a lot the luft46 theme so please, T!

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    50.1k BeastHunter


    2.6 years ago
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    23.0k soldier289

    If they are not finally finished, I will still want them.

    2.6 years ago
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    21.2k JustAMiko

    pew pew

    2.6 years ago