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so about that new 'linear color space'

132k BaconEggs  2.7 years ago

at least i think thats what changed this, absolutely bonked the afterburner effects i spent an entire day making last month



other yucky stuff

missile trails are now black pretty much

sunrises lack mid tones (reds and purples) that should be in between oranges and blues

the clouds are no longer shaded right

whatever happened to the particles they dont seem to add brightness to each other rather just sticking to the same color theyre set to and it looks very lousy

not sure if this was intended or a bug id like to know

not a post bashing the beta me n the boys went nuts 2day with all the new stuff and its really cool :>

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    i think missile trails broke and somehow got swapped for the destroyer's missiles?

    +2 2.7 years ago
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    132k BaconEggs

    @AndrewGarrison i will say i really like the dimming of the ambient sky im guessing that was to alleviate eye strain ?

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    9,305 Yoshimi

    I'm really panicking over this

    2.7 years ago
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    9,305 Yoshimi

    I'm also having a lot of issues with colour inaccuracies. Colours on old builds are now completely off.
    Also there seems to be something wrong with shadows maybe? Overall a lot more contrast (?) and very dark shadows even in bright daylight. By shadows I don't mean the actual shadows, just the surface being darker when covered and stuff.

    2.7 years ago
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    I'm sorry about the visual changes due to the switch to linear color space. Unfortunately, we didn't have a choice. We will try to fix what we can, but things will look a little different after this update.

    +19 2.7 years ago
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    PBR textures needed asap

    +6 2.7 years ago
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    yeah there's a few problems with the beta, colours look darker and less saturated than before (something with the lighting has changed) and the designer lighting is completely different which makes it harder to see how reflective surfaces are.
    But overall this new stuff is crazy good

    +7 2.7 years ago
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    8,065 Ryn176

    Things having different color may have been the result of it, but a white missile trail shouldn't be black, at worst it should be gray.

    +8 2.7 years ago
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    132k BaconEggs

    @WNP78 @AndrewGarrison couldnt use the form for something like this so a forum will hafta do

    +4 2.7 years ago