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French Navy vs Royal Navy

11.8k CharlesDeGaulle  3.4 years ago

  • French navy workforce 45,500 personnel (2020)
  • French navy ships : 180
  • Aircraft carriers : 4
  • Frigates/destroyers : 26
  • Corvettes : 7
  • Mine warfare ships : 17
  • Patrollers : 21
  • Submarines : 11
  • Measurement ships : 3
  • Support ships : 11

  • Royal navy workforce : 33,050 personnel (2020)

  • Royal navy ships : 92
  • Aircraft carriers : 2
  • Frigates/destroyers : 19
  • Corvettes : 0
  • Mine warfare ships : 13
  • Patrollers : 13
  • Submarines : 10
  • Measurement ships : 0
  • Support ships : 4

Which of the two navies is more powerful ?

Aircraft carriers :

France :

The Charles de Gaulle, nuclear aircraft carrier, (France is the only country, apart from the United States, to have completed the construction of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier) ~ 40 Rafales, a firepower that only the Americans can match.

England :

The Queen Elizabeth diesel aircraft carrier, they will accommodate 24 F35s each.
They will be two, the Prince of Wales and the Queen Elizabeth, the power will be limited compared to the Charles de Gaulle or an american aircraft carrier due to the classic propulsion, planes and the fact that it is not a CATOBAR, so they can't embark AWACS, the eyes of the fleet.
They are more giant helciopter carriers, but they still fall into the class of aircraft carriers because of their size.
Of the 45 F35s ordered, the 7 others will arrive in 2025

Helicopter carriers :

France :

The Mistral class, made up of 3 buildings, Mistral, Tonnerre, Dixmude, which can carry around twenty aircraft, it also serves as a landing ship, hospital, and command center.

Type : amphibious helicopters carriers
number : 3

England :

No helicopter carriers.
The only helicopter carrier the HMS Ocean, sold to Brazil in 2018, no replacement project.

First tier ships :

France :

Aquitaine class :

Type: multirole stealth Destroyer
Number of ships: 8

Alsace class:

Type: anti-aircraft stealth destroyer
number : 2

Horizon class :

Type: anti-aircraft stealth destroyer
number : 2

Georges Leygues class :

Type : anti-sub destroyer
number : 2

Cassard class

Type: anti-aircraft destroyer
number : 1

England :

Type 45 class :

Type: anti-aircraft stealth destroyer
number : 6

(reduced availability rate due to technical problems)

Type 23 class :

Type: multirole frigate
number : 13

Second tier ships :

France :

Lafayette class :

Type: multirole stealth frigate
number : 5

Floréal class :

Type : surveillance frigate
number : 6

England :

No second tier ships.

Corvettes :

France :

Estienne d'Orves class :

Type : Surveillance corvette
number : 7

England :

No corvettes.

Patrollers :

France :

Number of patrollers : 15 + 6 coast guard patrol ships.

(In picture : Patroller L'Adroit P 725.)

England :

Number of patrollers : 8 + 5 coast guard patrol ships.

(In picture : Hms Forth)

Mine warfare ships :

France :

Number of mine warfare ships : 17

(In the picture : the Sterenn)

England :

Number of mine warfare ships : 13

(In the picture : the Blyth)

Submarines :

France :

Triomphant class :

Type : SSBN
number : 4

France is one of only four nations on Earth with the capability to build, arm and launch a submarine. The other three are China, Russia and the United States.

French nuclear missiles M51
Number: 16 per submarine.
Warheads per missiles : 10

(the m51 has the particularity of avoiding anti-missile weapons in flight)

Perle class :

Type : SSN
number : 6

Suffren class :

Type : SSN
number : 6 in project, 1 actually in service

England :

Vanguard class :

Type : SSBN
number : 4

American Trident nuclear missiles
Number: 16 per submarine.
Warheads per missiles : 8

Astute class :

Type : SSN
number : 4

Trafalgar class :
Type : SSN
number : 2

Measurement ships

France :


Type : Testing and measurement ship

225.6 meters long for 21,040 tonnes, the BEM Monge is an essential link in nuclear deterrence given that its mission is to collect and exploit all the parameters of missile fire in flight. He may also be called upon to monitor orbiting satellites on behalf of the Centre national des études spatiales [CNES] and the Commandement de la défense aérienne et des opérations aériennes [CDAOA] of l’armée de l’Air.


Type : Surveillance ship and information gathering.


Type : Mine warfare experiment ship

England :

No measurement ships...

Astounding, but the British buy their missiles and don't make them, so they don't need ships like the Monge, but they could still have had an information gathering ship.

Support ships

France :

Loire class

Type : Metropolitan support and assistance ships
number : 4

Entrecasteaux class

Type : Overseas support and assistance ships
number : 4

The Astrolabe

Type : Patrol boat and polar logistics vessel


Type : hydrographic vessel

Le malin

Type : spy trawler ship

England :

HMS Scott

Type : hydrographic vessel

Echo class

Type : multirole hydrographic vessels
number : 2

HMS Protector

Type : Polar ship

Historic ships:

France :


Frigate, 3 masts, sailing.


Hms Victory

Non-sailing line ship at the quayside, serves as a museum.

Just a comparison.. 😏

Phorum on french navy HERE (click on :/)

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    @Paddybear2000 WTF ??
    Well, for the hypersonic missiles, the French navy has already shot down some, with the same missiles you use, but that's not all... french navy got alot of frigates eqquiped with aster 30 and 15 (10 frigates + 1 carrier, against 8 for UK)..
    Yes, ASTER 30, the french missiles that uses UK to shoot down hypersonic missiles, like us LOL 😂😂😂 !!
    And ... in british subs, there is french sonars (Thales Sonar 2076) ... know about that ?? The export version is slightly reduced compared to the national version.
    Same for Thale's radar on T45 destroyer.
    In short ... better to learn about things before coming to say anything, don't you think ? It would have saved you from looking like a twerp.
    And I keep the best for the end ... yes ... this thing : "Typhoon FAR SUPERIOR to Rafael" ... I can't even awnser to that, and I'm bored by the rafael thing. RAFALE !! RAFALE !! NOT RAFAEL !! Damn.
    Everyone knows it ... all the experts say it... pilots say it ... even the politicians ... and especially the aerial confrontations between the two planes ... the Rafale is vastly better than the Typhoon on all counts, moreover, a Rafales - EF dogfight ended at... 7 to 1 for the Rafales, yes, 7 to 1, look on the internet, you will see..... And yes, Rafale is superior in dogfight, and at least, there is proofs, but it is even more so in the field of bombardment, where the Typhoon is a real trash can. But hey, find me a serious source that claims the opposite... good luck.

    11 months ago
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    @CharlesDeGaulle the royal navy is far superior, our latest ship can take down hypersonic missiles and the typhoon is far superior to the Rafael

    one year ago
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    Global firepower ?
    What the hell I care about that ?
    Crap website.
    I don't even want to see that.
    They have fun putting countries that do not have atomic weapons before France, or countries that are less powerful militarily (factually, yes).
    Never forget that tanks, soldiers... they are toys compared to a nuclear missile, which alone can destroy a metropolis.

    one year ago
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    one year ago
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    Indeed, it's a shame!
    I saw it a few years ago, before its demolition in the Landévenec ship cemetery.

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    4,181 mlksback

    @ArkRoyalTheDDhunter I know lol im french too. that was a joke...

    3.3 years ago
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    4,181 mlksback

    @CharlesDeGaulle Are you australian ?

    3.3 years ago
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    32.8k SyntheticL

    @CharlesDeGaulle got it

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    @SyntheticL There are about 115 mirages, the 2000-5 are the most efficient and the most modern, used by the famous "escadrille des cigognes".
    There are about 132 Rafales for the Air Force, and 48 for the Navy, which makes a total of 180 Rafales, which with the Mirages makes a total of 295 fighters, making it the most powerful air force on the European continent.

    For comparison, the RAF now has 166 fighter planes in total (F35 on aircraft carrier included, but, when they receive their 45 F35s, in 2025, the first 7 will be delivered ...).

    1,262 planes in total, against 827 for the RAF

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    The French army is just better than yours, don't care of americains, we talk about french and english army's... and I don't want to play politics, but the French army would be better with the Russian army as an ally than the American army, the Americans always do anything about it. terrain, destabilize countries and create terrorist groups (gulf war).
    The French army is the first in Europe, much superior to yours, obviously, we have twice the number of your combat tanks, ours are more modern, they are even the most expensive in the world (Leclerc tank), we have better artillery, twice as many soldiers, better trained, 2x bigger nuclear arsenal, we have everything better than you, it's a fact, the navy, aviation and space, you are now the second army in Europe (behind Italy if it had the weapon and nuclear propulsion), your land army is nothing in Europe, even Spain can beat you in the ground, you don't have bases all over the world unlike us, we don't need the Americans to make our weapons like missiles, you buy your missiles from the Americans, even nuclear !!
    Ours are superior, look at our M51, MdcN, Exocet, Aster, SCALP, ASMPA, etc... our MICA missiles are excellent, and fitted to the Rafale, and at least are French, we do not lose the know-how of manufacturing weapons, if there is a war, our ammunition will be "unlimited", you on the other hand, will have to ask the Americans to provide you with the missiles, if they don't want, they won't, you are the toy of the americans, you even buy them your nuclear missiles ! You also buy french ASTERs....
    In 2023, we will have our first anti-satellite laser satellites in space, we are beyond you on everything !

    Stop asking if I smoke, or something else, whoever has valid arguments here, it's not you, I'm opposing valid arguments, not "what did you smoke?", learn to hold a normal conversation without getting angry or saying bullshit, your way of writing and reasoning leads me to think that the guy who smokes here is you.

    +2 3.4 years ago
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    @shipster Here, I have links, look at this, your EF 2000 got caught 7 to 1 in dogfight in the face of Rafale ! CLICK HERE
    First, the Rafales put 4 to 0 to the RAF EFs, then, during the second confrontation 3 to 1 (I think they were told to let you shoot one ...)
    The Rafale is better than the ef, more maneuverable, lighter, it can do all types of missions in a single mission, bombard a point, and then do an aerial combat, which the EF2000 cannot do, the Rafale is omnirole, in addition it has some stealth capabilities.
    "Your bias is so obvious now 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ", no, in fact, the EF2000 suffers from problems, look at THAT, it's catastrophic, in the air the Rafale is much better, but the Eurofighter still has to be able one day ... to take off "🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣" .

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    11.5k shipster

    I never argumented for the F-35, it’s worse than both the Rafale and Typhoon. Fine, lets @Sovetskysoyus

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    11.5k shipster

    All he explained was his overwhelming and crooked bias. Trying to tell me that the Eurofighter is “a rather bad European plane” when it’s one of the best multirole aircraft ever made... @Sovetskysoyus

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    11.5k shipster

    Your bias is so obvious now 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 “EF2000, a rather bad European plane” IT’S ONE OF THE BEST EVER MADE WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING??? The French army is no where near the US army in the 21st century 🤣🤣🤣 surely this is satire please tell me it is @CharlesDeGaulle

    3.4 years ago
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    32.8k SyntheticL

    btw, how many Mirage variants does the AdA still operating today?

    3.4 years ago
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    32.8k SyntheticL

    well Rafale is good but radar is her disadvantage.
    hmm... I don't know navy
    but I still prefer Rafale over ef2k

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    @shipster In the 21 th century, France has the best army (widely), Air, Navy, and land, we have everything better, even in space, anti-satellite laser satellites in 2023, the British are far behind, definitely.

    We have a nuclear arsenal twice the size of yours, with French missiles much more powerful and efficient than the American missiles you buy.

    France produces its weapons, does not buy them, has a technological advance, you have the EF 2000, a rather bad European plane, we have the Rafale, the best fighter plane in the world, we have the Leclerc tank, the most technological, and the most expensive in the world, you are far behind, it's like comparing the USA to China.

    It's why France is ahead of you in the ranking of world armies.

    +2 3.4 years ago
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    @shipster uh no, in fact, i'm quoting a real historical fact, i'm returning the question to you 🤪🤪🤪, you invent a fictitious reality ... very strange, anyway, we would never have let britain have america, never, and we kicked them out of America, do you know Lafayette ? Besides, the Hermione you see below was his boat!
    In short, you would never have had America.
    We don't say United States, we say america, at the time, the USA did not exist...
    One of your ex-colonies has become stronger than you: India, bigger army, better economy, somewhat humiliating, right ?
    I won't awnser before tomorrow, if you answer ...

    +2 3.4 years ago
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    11.5k shipster

    Are you drunk? 😂😂😂 if Britain had still held the United States will all of her natural resources we would’ve had nuclear weapons even earlier and possibly had prevented the war almost entirely @CharlesDeGaulle

    3.4 years ago
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    @shipster yeah, we would speak german ... we would speak german if we had not liberated america from the English grip, and made the United States a free country, the English are not there for much in this war, anyway, the russians would have won, the numerical superiority was overwhelming.

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    3,611 Dathcha

    so basicly fronce could whoop englands but and serve it to them stuffed inside a baguette

    +4 3.4 years ago
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    29.9k ChiChiWerx

    Well, too bad this isn’t the 19th Century, these two probably won’t find a reason to fight each other. Perhaps, launch the Victory and Hermione against each other to slug it out with muzzle loading cannon fire. I do have to say, though, I’m impressed by their capabilities, which are quite significant.

    +6 3.4 years ago
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    21.2k JustAMiko

    Bagutte vs tea

    3.4 years ago
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    42.8k rexzion

    bagguete or something idk im not french

    3.4 years ago
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    11.5k shipster

    Yeah this was originally about the navies wasn’t it... @Sovetskysoyus

    3.4 years ago
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